Chapter 21 Krowcar

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Chapter 21


Planet: Morak

We hadn’t travelled far, but the sweltering heat of the wastelands was already taking its toll. The pace of my army, of over one hundred Kelashi was wavering in the sizzling conditions. It had been only a day ago that we had left Mitus sitting comfortably in his golden throne listening to advice offered to him by Faiten, my enforced replacement, but the Conquerors Fortress was still lying on the barren horizon behind us, as if it was trying to haunt me for making a mistake.

I had forgotten how harsh the wastelands were. Sand and dirt with little or no vegetation scattered the forsaken desert, for which this expanse was known, although now I was out in the wastelands again, one desert seemed to merge seamlessly into the next bleak space.

I felt apprehensive in taking so many Kelashi from the fortress and leaving it so unprotected, but the other warlords insisted and added to my legion by giving me many of their fiercest clan members, at least I knew none of them would mount a rebellion, as I had all the greatest fighters on the planet with me.

Grash had gain a significant amount of weight in the two or so days that he had been with us at Mituses Fortress. He had arrived as a skinny, weak and undernourished Kelashi from the Greenlands and he was now leaving a durable, stout and robust combatant. He was also armed with as much weaponry as he could carry. Two pistols in his belt holstered, two rifles strapped to his back and a large knife sheathed across his chest, not to mention how many other items he had in his overflowing backpack.

“Commander, we could make for the Trail of the brave, it’s under the ruined mountains.” Announces Grash as he scrutinises our weary troops.

“Ruined mountains, doesn’t that take us too close to the Agwa?” I recall having never seen the ruined mountains, but remembering what Grash said previously.

“It does, but it also keeps us out of this soaring heat.” Remarks Grash wiping the sweat from his green horned brow

“It was easier during the war of the wastelands, we were all younger then and we only had to carry a Warhammer, not all these Tyvorian created rifles and pistols.

“I can’t say I’ve been into battle with these weapons before, but I’m sure happy to try.” Laughed Grash

“I can’t see the Agwa getting too close to these rifles.” I say as I draw my rifle from my back

“They will, do you know what an Agwa is Commander.” Asked Grash surprised

“Your enemies” I reply realising I know nothing about the Agwa apart from they are attacking the Greenlanders

“Where is the furthest you have travelled Commander.” Inquired Grash

“I used to live on the outer reaches of the discarded desert” I say impressively

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