Chapter 25 Duke Myron Palander

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Chapter 25

Duke Myron Palander

Planet: Ivos

The inside of Tyran 5 was not as impressive as our ship, but Larriss had already pointed out that Tyran 1 was designed specifically for the Emperor himself with comfort and an elaborate layout being the requirements. This shuttle was built for speed and had the minimum necessities inside to make it weigh as light as possible to gain maximum aero dynamics.

Our host had an older looking Tyvorian face but still kept himself in such an excellent physical condition that he could easily be mistaken for a younger Tyvorian, although the blue in a Tyvorians eyes seems to get lighter with age and this gave away the number of eclipses he had truly seen. His hair was a wild a bushy dark blue that looked like it was rarely washed. He was wearing the standard issue blue Alliance Aeronauts pilot suit, which instantly said traitor to me.

“I replaced the Crylium, with double your recommended amount. It’s increased the trust by a Quad.” He explained as he and Larriss stood over a console near the pilot seat.

“Where did you get so much Crylium?” Curiously asked Larriss

“You’ll be amazed what you can get on the black market, when you trade with Navatha.” He replied

“Is that how you got an Alliance ship and uniform?” I angrily interrupt

“No, I had these already, do I need to teach this young upstart another lesson in manners.” He responds as he walks towards me and faces me head on.

“Wait; don’t you know who this is?” Shouts Larriss before any violence ensues

“Who?” we reply together in unison

“This is Myron Palander” announces Larriss. The Tyvorian lets out another familiar laugh.

“Little Myron, I’ve not seen you in many eclipses.” He says as he continues to laugh.

“My title is Lord.” I reply agitated at his constant laughter

“My Lord, this is your Uncle, Haken Palander.” Introduces Larriss

“It’s just Haken I dropped the Palander right before the worker revolt.” He responds

“Uncle Haken, I thought you were dead.” I say as I go forward and embrace him

“That’s what you father told you.” Says Haken as he responds with a hug and a smile.

“He told me you perished in the laboratory explosions, before the worker revolt” I explain

“Does it look like I died? I caused the laboratory explosions as a diversion and then I started the worker revolt, well me and Storn Cass.” Replies my uncle as he slumps into a nearby chair

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