Chapter 64 Black Hos

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Chapter 64

Black Hos

Planet: Morak

I remember when I first laid eyes on Broken Horn, he still had two full antlers then, and was known as Dernan. He had come from the mountains with a horde of followers, known as the blue hammer clan, all of whom believed Dernan would be the conqueror of Morak. His look was still strange back then, it wasn't scared or mutilated by war yet, but his hide had patches of blue within his sandy fur, his eyes were narrow and deep set within his skull, in fact he was an odd sight back before any weapon had rearranged his face.

We first engaged his mob on the battlefield of the Abandoned Desert, long before Mitus had even taken up arms. Dernan's Blue Hammers were fiercely obedient to their leader, he commanded his clan with precision and threw up a strong defensive wall against our advancing clan.

It was Gretan herself who led the charge and threw our clan into the front lines of Dernan's vanguard. Days and nights of fighting ensued, decimating both sides forces. Dernan stood strong in the mists of his clan, felling onslaught after onslaught from Greatan's clan. Many thousands of Kelashi died in that battle and I had numerous kills associated with my axe, and yet there was no victory for either side.

Mitus was the one who had gained, as he set off with his force from the south and began his conquest for what he later called the war of the wastelands. It was that first battle that sealed the wars fate, a battle that was not recorded in Mituses historical accounts. If only Gretan had treated with Dernan then and joined there strength together, Mitus would not have been known as conqueror, and Dernan wouldn't be called Broken Horn, and he wouldn't have been my sworn enemy, who I must now assassinate.

The night was black when I unlocked the entrance to the Forsaken tower. The key had been given to me earlier in the day, it had been slid under my door, by a hand I couldn't see. The secrecy had been misplaced, most of Gretan clan were already discussing my assignment, while out of ear shot of Broken Horn. The plan had spread throughout the stronghold, with each Kelashi struggling to contain their excitement at the imminent rise of their leader Gretan.

The door creaked on old hinges as I entered Broken Horn's spire. Spiral stairs weaved their way around the stone interior, the same design as the Discarded Tower, where I had made my new home. With my axe still sheathed on my back I ascended the narrow steps. Broken Horn's tower was deserted, except for Kelashi Councillor himself, who had taken the former rulers chambers at the top of the turret.

He had apparently been greeted with high esteem by the other council member, and by all reports had fitted in nicely with the other Galactic Alliance Councillors. That allegiance would be short though, after I remove Broken Horn from the picture. Gretan will finally take her rightful place as ruler of Morak.

The lantern adoring the walls seemed to be less frequent the higher I climbed the stairwell, until I was unable to see my feet on the stone steps. I kept ascending through the darkness until I had run out of steps. I could just see the outline of Broken Horns chamber, from the dim light shining behind it, I reached blindly for the handle, knocking the iron ring accidentally against the wood door. I turned the ring handle and the latch came loose, unlocked.

I drew my axe from on my back, clasping the grip tightly with both of my hands. I entered the chamber, only a small lamp flickered in the corner of the room, lighting up a writing desk with some papers scattered across it, the rest of the area was shrouded in dark. I had been told that Broken Horn slept in the bedroom, behind the door at the back of his quarters.

I crept cautiously towards the back of the chamber, my hand sweating on the handle of my axe, with the head catching the light of the only lamp in the quarters. I could see the bedroom door before me, when a sharp blow struck me across the back of my head, my white slender horns splintered and cracked from my skull with the force of the attack, my dazed head spun before it hit the ground, then there was nothing.


Brew splashed my face to awaken me, I tried to reach for my aching horns, but found my hands were tied tight behind my back and my feet were also shackled. I could feel my blood seeping down the side of my face through my black fur, as it ran down from the top of my injured skull. My bleary eyes tried to focus in the dark room, a lamp was still burning above the desk in the corner of the room, I realised I was still in Broken Horn's quarters.

"Gretan's number one friend, I hear?" Said a voice from out of the darkness, which was the familiar tone of Broken Horn. "Well let me introduce you to my friend, I like to call her Gluttony, she just seems to keep eating when all the other brutes have had their fill."

Broken horn moved into the light, his mutilated face, was overshadowed by the black clawed beast that sat high on his shoulder, snarling its razor like teeth towards me.

"Now Gluttony here hasn't had a good feed, since she helped dissect Mituses clan." Smiled Broken Horn with his disfigured mouth. "I agreed with Gretan, that I wouldn't set the Siloxes on to her clan if they all behaved themselves and served me as the ruler of Morak. However you just tried to assassinate me, so that makes you fair game."

"Wait." I cried, as Gluttony shrieked at me. "I wasn't trying to assassinate you."

"I admit it was a very poor attempt, but it's not every night someone enters my quarters in the pitch black with an axe in their hands." Chuckled Broken Horn, as he moved his shoulder and Gluttony towards me.

"Hang on." I protested, as I tried in vain to free my hands of my bonds. "You could use me in negotiating with Gretan."

"Oh, I intend to." Laughed Broken Horn. "The only question is do I need you alive or dead?"

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