Chapter 56 Mitus the Conqueror

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Chapter 56

Mitus the Conqueror

Planet: Morak

How long had I been cowering, hiding like some petty thief, this was no way for a Conqueror to live, I had lead my clan to victory after victory in the wastelands, I had laid fear in the hearts of my biggest enemies, and now I was cooped up in some tiny back room with little natural light and only the occasional visitors, living in fear of being assassinated.

Sure Faiten had looked after me harbouring me from those monstrosities that laid siege to my kingdom, but he was shifty and untrustworthy, he hadn’t agreed when I said to call his clansman to arms, to fight and take back my fortress, he refused to send a garrison out to search for my one true ally, Krowcar, to try and locate him out in the Greenlands. I fact he had been reluctant to carry out any of my orders, and had kept me almost like a prisoner in his own keep.

“Lunch.” Was called through the door proceeded by a loud knock

“Enter.” I replied as the door opened and the servant female, who I had become quite familiar with over the period I laid in almost isolation, entered the room. “Whats on the menu, today, Orna?”

“Sneake meat on a Kanash root base, with Jenau sauce.” Informed Orna as she placed the tray on the table before me and gazed at me with her entrancing brown eyes

“Slimy meat on plant with an extract of plant sauce,” I grumbled “Similar to yesterday then, and the day before for that matter.”

“Faiten grows the very best plants, in all of Morak.” Explained Orna as she stroked he light cream mussel

“Yes, that maybe the case, but I’m used to eating the finest food from Ivos and drinking their supreme brew, and believe me I never got served up plants everyday back in my fortress.” I informed Orna as she sat beside me “Look I’ve lost a lot of weight.”

“We can’t have that, my conqueror.” Smiled Orna sweetly as I delved my fort hard into the Senake meat

“I can’t eat this any longer and I can’t stand being in this room anymore.” I moaned “Go and fetch Faiten, I want a word with him.”

“If that is what you wish for?” Orna said as she reluctantly got up from beside me and left the dark room

I looked unimpressed with the Senake meat on my plate before me, vermin from the wastelands, we had feasted on these during the long nights, when Krowcar and I would prepare our battles for the day ahead, and we would sometimes use the slimy meat to indicate different clans and bent the meat in various guises, to depict the enemies’ formation. Broken Horn’s clan always seemed to be the most fitting for this method.

Krowcar had always be an expert at anticipating the enemy next move, and I needed him with me now, as well as the remaining member of my clan, which he had taken with him to the Greenlands, even the presents of Orki to consult with would be a good start. Here I was isolated, all but a few of my clan had survived and had made it to Faiten kingdom with me, but those that did, had been converted to plant loving, Faiten worshipers, who now seemed to fall under his command. Well if they wanted to eat Senake meat for the rest of their days, they were welcome to it, I was going to take my fortress back, from those monstrosities.

Orna walked back in the room first with Faiten following closely behind her, he was donned in a bright yellow cloak that somehow matched the greyness in his eyes, his pointed out ears almost detracted from the long and slender horns that rose poignantly out from his forehead.

“You wished to see, Mitus.” Greeted Faiten with somewhat cautiously “Is Orna, not satisfying your needs?”

“It’s still Mitus the Conqueror, the last time I checked.” I angered “Or has everyone forgotten, that I won the war of the Wastelands?”

“Not forgotten, my Lord,” responded Faiten agitated by my manner “we are just in another age, and your clan is all but destroyed or fighting in the Greenlands.”

“What do you mean, another age, I am ruler of Morak.” I stand up and shout back at Faiten “I won the war, I am the ruler.”

“I’m afraid, that no longer seems to be the case,” informs Faiten with a wry grin on his hairy long face “While you have been hiding out here, with Orna, my scouts inform me, that the beasts that tore you clan apart, where in fact unleased by an old enemy of yours, who now occupies your throne.”

“Who, would dare to oppose me?” I continued to rage

“I’m afraid, my scouts, tell me that Broken Horn is now in charge of the Kelashi on the Galactic Alliance.” Faiten confirms with a small hint of a smile

“Broken Horn.” I say as I slump defeated back into my chair

“Don’t fret, my conqueror.” Says Orna as she sits beside me and holds my hand

“Get away from me.” I shout as I push her away “You have taken up too much of my time already.”

“I’m sorry to bring you such, unfortunate news.” Smirked Faiten

“What of my wife and child.” I asked

“I’m afraid, my scouts picked up, no information about any survivors from your clan.” Notifies Faiten with a strong sense of satisfaction

“Then I must locate Krowcar.” I pondered

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