Chapter 11 Commander Temo Halfer

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Chapter 11

Commander Temo Halfer

Planet: Gyann

As we walked on to the docking bay I could see the Tyvorian Cruiser before me, I’d travelled and seen many of them before but not one that looked as damaged and in poor maintenance as this one. A huge dent was at the front of the vessel and the sides which carried the Navatha Ampoules had large patches of rust on both sides.

My companions with me were Meto a largely build Cantari with a small patch of spiky hair on his mostly shaven head with a very distinctive scar on the left side of his face from his eyebrow down to his cheek and a long flowing moustache that hung well below his chin, Nari was a female Cantari with long braided hair that draped all the way down to her waist with the sides of her head shaven they were both fierce warriors unlike most of the passive Cantari population. We were all heavily armed with Tyvorian rifles on our backs and two pistols holstered in our red belts matching our whole Cantari space suits. A young Tyvorian female stepped off the cruiser and made her way towards us.

“Welcome, I am Jett Corella and this is Tyran 7.” She announces as she turns and points at the Cruiser. She has the typical light blue face of a Tyvorian with dark blue short hair plaited on both sides she is wearing the standard issue Tyvorian light blue aeronaut outfit, but she has no circles on her shoulders which signifies that she had no rank.

“Greetings, I am Temo Halfer and this is Meto and Nari as I point to my right where they are both standing.

“If you would like to come on board, we will head for Morak to pick up the Kelashi Alliance troops.” Says Jett as she turns and walks back towards the cruiser.

We follow here to the transport, and when we get close to the hull, it looks worse than I had originally thought, plates of metal soldered on to cover that looked like large holes in both the head and the rearmost part of the craft. When we get on board the state of the chamber is not much better, wires hanging out of sockets, chairs and cupboards with broken arms and handles. I turn to Meto and Nari behind me.

“Is this the best the Alliance can offer” States Nari

“We would have been better on our own craft.” Replies Meto

“Yes but that wouldn’t have carried enough Navatha to get us to Karus.” I reply

“We will be lucky to make it to Morak without this tearing apart.” Answers Nari as she looks around unimpressed

“I’m sure she is tougher than she looks.” I respond but I’m less than convinced

“Who the ship or the pilot” Laughs Meto

“Good one Meto.” Chuckles Nari as she slaps him on the back

“Go and get settled in, before we pick up the Kelashi and they steal all the accommodation, I’ll go and check the pilot knows were the controls are.” I announce smiling at them. I make my way to the front of the ship and see Jett sitting at the pilot controls.

“Activation button on, controls in neutral position, coordinates mapped” She says to herself

“You have flown before?” I ask as I come up behind her chair.

“Oh. You startled me, I didn’t see you there.” Jett replies

“How many times have you flown?” I ask again

“Lots of simulations, two actual flights, but I’ve been grounded for a while, so I was just brushing up on my skill.” She replies

“Great.” I say as I slump into the nearest chair to me and knock the arm off.

“Don’t worry I have my co-pilot with me as she points to the chair across from her. A small robot sits in the seat all metallic blue with an oval shaped head and long flexible arms, but without legs as I’m guessing it’s only designed to stay sitting in the co-pilots seat.

“Welcome, Commander Halfer, and how are you today.” It turns and speaks in a tinny Tyvorian accent

“Great a droid, this just gets better.” I reply as I put my head in my hands

“A Cyborg pilot, he’s called CAP, Cyborg Aeronautic Pilot, he’s one of the very best. I had to beg with Myron Palander to let me have him on board, I don’t even think the Emperor knows.” Jett replies happily

“Well looks like he’s the best bit of Tech on board, nice to meet you CAP.” I respond

“Nice to meet you too, Commander Halfer.” CAP replies

“CAP, are you ready.” Asks Jett

“Co-pilot ready.” Responds CAP

“Nari, Meto take your seats.” I holler down the craft and Nari and Meto appear and strap themselves into the nearest seats behind me.

“Is that a droid?” Asks Nari fastening her belt

“No, it’s a cyborg pilot.” I respond

“Docking detached.” States CAP

 “All systems go, we are away.” Announces Jett as the cruiser speeds away from Gyann

“We must be mad.” Replies Meto as he looks out the window at Gyanns grey oval shape in the distance.

“Yes we are.” I declare

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