Chapter 42 Duke Myron Palander

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Chapter 42

Duke Myron Palander

Planet: Ivos

I wasn’t sure if the Count and Judge Durk Zinax was awake for most of the trial proceedings, from up above him on the roof we could see his head slumping forward on numerous occasions as the case for the exile was brought before him, the fact that it was his niece the Justicar providing the accusations against the suspects, made it appear all the more strange.

I think it was more the pace and the constant jeering from the so called gallery when the Justicar made false claims against the accused, but I couldn’t tell if they believed her lies or were horrified by the suspects, our sound had been diminished on several key moments, one of the local carpenters had setup and began to work on one of the houses nearest to the justice building.

But when the Justicar finished her final summary, the gallery erupted with applause and the Counts head bolted into life from his slumber, it was the first indication that all was not going well for Deko and Larriss and perhaps a guilty verdict was coming.

Then it was time for the defence to take over and prove the accusations wrong, I expected Deko and Larriss to defend themselves and I was shocked to see Honas rise from the gallery and begin speaking.

“Finest Count and Judge, I wish to provide the Defence for these accused, and offer a simple explanation to the misfortune that they find themselves in today.” Honas began as he wandered the aisle of the gallery making his way towards the now curious Judge Durk

“What is he doing?” I ask Kari who was listening intently next to me

“I’m not sure, but he has their attention.” Replied Kari as she moved closer to me

“Very well.” Responded the Judge as he supped down some more ale, the look his niece the Justicar gave him could have scared him into saying no, but he never caught her gaze.

“Well, it has come to my attention that ……” continued Honas but then the sound was drowned out by the loud grinding noise of the Carpenter a few houses away.

We tried to press our ears nearer to the window frame, but we the voices were still inaudible, but we could tell from the cheering gallery and a hint of a smile on Deko and Larriss, that Honas was at least providing a good alternative to the Justicars dishonesties, even the Count seemed to be keeping awake listening to Honas rather than his niece.

The case seemed to be heading towards a more favourable outcome, until the Justicar wandered over to her Uncle, the Judge, and whispered into his ear, the fear seemed to be etched over his face, even from above him, the mood in the room had obviously changed and the Justicar obviously had her hold over her Uncle.

The Judges chalice slipped from his fingers and ale poured from the table onto the floor, as the Count got cautiously to his feet and brought the case to a close.

The Carpenters scrapping and grinding came to a sudden halt almost on cue, as the Judge delivered his verdict as he swayed drunkenly on his weary legs.

“In the case of Treason by association, I find the defendants, Guilty” He uttered through a slurred mouth

Then the doors to the Justice building flung open and the King and Prince of Ivos and their party appeared in the enterance to gasps of shock from the gallery.

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