Chapter 6 Duke Myron Palander

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Chapter 6

Duke Myron Palander

Planet: Gyann

As the red fury docked in the exclusive alliance bay reserved only for dignitaries.

My welcoming party was ready, two lines of the Emperors Tyvorian Guards standing proudly in their light blue outfits and shimmering helmets, each of them carrying a long laser spear which towered above their heads. Security had become a necessity for the Palander family after several failed attempts on my father’s life.

The doors to the red fury opened and out stepped the Queen flanked either side by four of her loyal entourage. One I recognised as Commander Temo Halfer, as he has visited here many times before with King Serrafin and his son the Prince.

“Gyann welcomes you back my lady” I said as I stepped forward and kissed the Queens hand.

“And to you Duke Myron, you have grown since we last met” Replied the Queen.

“It’s been several eclipses, since you were last here my lady” I answered

“Yes it’s been too long, and you now you have a small blue beard to match your hair, how sweet, where is your father?” asked the Queen arrogantly

"I apologise, that he is not here to welcome you, but he has become very weak and ill over these last few eclipses and has been confined to his chambers, and only attends Alliance council meetings.” I reply

“How ill has he become, not dying I hope?” inquired the queen sarcastically

“It’s the pollution from the manufacturing from our technology labs; it has rapidly affected the planet surface and the health of Tyvorian population.” I say trying to ignore her dying comment.

“Then I don’t want to linger here any longer than I need to.” responds the Queen “No offence.”

“I’ll take you to the Alliance chambers now, my lady.”  I say

When we exit the elevator to the Alliance chambers, Emissary Tor is waiting for the lift at the other end.

“Duke Myron, if you are wishing to see your father, I’m afraid he is quite indisposed at the moment.” States Tor

“I will wait for no one.” proclaims the Queen as she appears behind me

“Emissary Tor, may I present Queen Cantari.” I announce

“A wonderful pleasure, to finally greet you your highness.” Says Tor as he bows before her

“I came to see the Emperor.” Responds the Queen “Not his dominions.”

“As you wish” I respond

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