Chapter 63 Mancent Kye

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Chapter 63

Commander Mancent Kye

Planet: Gyann

I knew Sera was going to be trouble from the first day I laid eyes on her, however I could never have predicted this, what had driven her to steal a Galactic Alliance cruiser, and not just any cruiser the Emperors prised vessel, it had only just been completed and was ready for initial testing. Maybe I had pushed her too hard in training, she was only young after all, but with her parents she had so much potential, yet surprisingly she had failed in almost all disciplines, perhaps I was the failure, pushing her too fast too soon.

If the eye witness reports where true and she had taken the Queen of Cantari with her, Sera would surely find herself in the dungeons of the justice building, if she ever returned to Gyann and wasn't killed in the freezing temperatures of Lengar. If the distress signal was to be believed the vessel had been the first known landing on that frozen sphere, so maybe some of my teaching had rubbed off on Sera.

It had been her Aunt who had revelled the secret of Sera's parent too me. She had been taken away from them at an early age, for her own safety. A child born by such a pairing would have garnered much interest from many parties and would have put her life in danger. Being brought up by her Aunt she had led a simple life in one of the modest houses in Gyann city. Growing up not knowing of her true potential, if only I had been able to draw it out of her, maybe she wouldn't be in such a mess now.

Emissary Tor had requested that I present myself to the Galactic Council to inform them of my findings. How the new Tyvorian Emperor would react to my report, would be difficult to assess, he had been known as a fair Duke, one who seemed to listen to his people, but he was still a Palander. At least it wasn't his father, on previous visits to the Galactic Council the old miserable one was either half asleep when I gave him my summaries of event in the Aeronautical training facility or quickly dismissed me with a grown or a grumble.

The Cantari representative had always been a reasonable councillor, much the same as his father the King. I found the Cantari people more level headed and rational in their decision making. Luckily I had very little dealings with the Kelashi Council member in the past, but I had heard the rumours of a change to that seat as well. I hoped that the new Kelashi councillor was another technology novice like their last leader was.

As I climbed to the top of the steps to the Council chambers, Emissary Tor was waiting for me patiently outside the giant entrance.

"Commander, how wonderful to see you again." He said as he stroked one of the braids of his blue beard. "The council are expecting you. Now do remember to tell them the information we discussed previously?"

"I will as per my report." I confirmed.

"I've sent a copy on to all the Council members." Added Tor as he twiddled with the other braid of his beard. "Now don't be alarmed by their annoyed manner, it is merely the mention of the Queen, that has angered them."

"Angered?" I questioned, as Emissary Tor lead me through the grand entrance and into the Council chambers.

The new Emperor sat proudly on his father old throne, with the family crown hanging too loosely on his blue head of hair and falling down on to his brow. Next to him sat the Cantari Prince donned in a red robe to match his ruddy complexion. Beside them was a large looming hologram showing the ugliest Kelashi I had ever laid eyes on, half his face was mutilated and the horn on the disfigured side of his skull was broken and missing, that's not to say that the other side of his face seemed much better, as it looked scared and battered, he was a warrior for sure and a miserable looking one as well.

"Commander we are gravelly concerned by your report." Started Emperor Myron Palander.

"How is it that such a vessel can be taken from the Aeronautical department without any resistance?"

"The cruiser had just that morning been completed and was ready for initial testing." I replied, trying to avoid the question.

"And yet one of your students could take it and the Queen, my mother, from our grasps." Angered the Cantari Prince, much more annoyed than I had ever seen him before.

"These events are unfortunate, but why would your student have taken the Queen to Lengar?" Asked Emperor Myron.

"I can see no reason for making such a landing, by our Aeronautical report the planet is an ice block, unstable and know to emit a strange magnetic field, which has taken out many of our investigative drones." I inform, as I wipe sweat from my blue forehead.

"If this Queen had done you wrong, then let her freeze on this planet." Remarked the Kelashi Councillor as he seemed to stir from almost sleeping.

"If only we could, but she is my mother." Commented the Prince. "And she is too dangerous to be left roaming the universe, even if she is stuck on Lengar."

"We'll send my uncle, Haken, to answer the distress call and see if he can retrieve any survivors." Informed Emperor Myron.

"Pardon me Emperor, but Haken is not an authorised Aeronautical pilot." I replied.

"He is now, Commander, and if any other ships go missing, I'll put him in charge." Threaten the Emperor showing some of his dead father's harsh spirit.

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