Chapter 22 Storn Cass

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Chapter 22

Storn Cass

Planet: Karus

I make my way down the precarious slope, being careful not to drop the injured Silox, which is still humming serenely in my arms. The Prince and Elia are hiding further up the slope behind me. I’m spotted by a small group of ferocious black Silox who flock quickly to my position. They shriek and squeal at me as they land beside me, but they do not touch me when they see me cradling one of their injured, their faceless expressions, just flash with golden light behind their smooth black skin.

More and more Silox approach my position as I constantly walk towards the Queen, but they clear a path for me as I stroll towards them. All flashing their faces in what appears to be a friendly gesture, although they also appear to be protruding their sharp razor like teeth towards me, which seems more like a hostile action. The Silox shrieking and squealing has now changed into a soft hum, similar to my injured friends, which makes me at ease again.

As I reach the Queen, the whole chamber is vibrating with loud humming noises. The Queen looks down at me with her large black featureless head and snarls her serrated fangs at me. The humming stops immediately and the Queen tilts her head curiously at me.

I tenderly lay down the wounded Silox at the sharp clawed feet of the Silox Queen and calmly take the Miririt out of my coat pocket and pop the cap off the top of the flask and drip the contents into the willing Silox mouth. My injured new friend jolts into life and the Silox gets to its feet. It faces me and it whole form sparkles golden at me from under it skin, which I take to mean thank you. It flaps its now healed wing and flies into the air, to the celebratory buzzing sound from the other Siloxes.

I turn to face the Silox Queen, she straightens up her curious tilted head and in a spectacular display she flickers and shines a golden spectacle from beneath her black exterior in what seems like an acceptance to my actions. I point my arm to the fragile figure hanging cocooned on the wall next the Queen, she hums with what I take to be an agreement and she shrieks out an order and two of the Siloxes fly over and release the Cantari King from his bounds.

The King seems barely conscious when the Siloxes place him surprisingly delicately into my out stretched arms. I give a slight bow to the Queen in gratitude and she replies with another burst of golden sparkle. I turn and make my way back the way I came. Siloxes shine golden and hum peacefully as I come to the end of the Silox crowd, my healed friend swoops down flashing golden before me and replicates my actions to the Queen by bowing to me, I respond by bowing back. Then it takes off again humming happily with the other Siloxes.

I beckon The Prince and Elia down from their hiding place, as I was not climbing up to them while carrying the hefty weight of the King in my arms. They reluctantly appear and come down to join me.

“That was amazing.” Says Elia as she smiles at me

“Thanks, but let’s get out of this chamber, before they change their minds or get hungry.” I state as I make my way to the nearest passageway and The Prince and Elia hurry behind me.

We travel a short distance down the tunnel and see a maze of Silox carved corridors. I was looking for a suitable location to help the King, but this will have to do I think as I lay him down on the black rocky ground.

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