Chapter 54 Sera

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Chapter 54


Travelling: Unknown

Unauthorised access, the console kept informing me, in large green letters, at least I’d managed to turn the speaker down. I was beginning to get the hang of the strange and unfamiliar control to this vessel, it helped that it was the latest design and was almost able to fly itself, which made me appear to be more of an expert than I was.

Maybe Commander Mancent Kye, had got my results wrong, perhaps I should have passed after all, and I did have a natural ability to fly, as my father had before me. I also managed to deactivate the built in holographic crystal, it had been staring at me ominously, I had been expecting my former Commander to suddenly appear and inform me of how many Aeronautical infringements I had incurred, and how long I would be spending in the Gyann City Dungeon, but now at least I stopped that from occurring, or at the very least knowing about it.

The Queen had all but vanished after we had taken off, after I all but collided with that incoming craft, I might have been going a bit too fast, but come on did it not see the bigger craft coming towards it, maybe they should go back to the Academy and retake their tests, anyway the Queen, had been checking out her new quarters, and from the quick glimpse I had when we got on board, it was luxurious, the very best in comfort and technology, no wonder they named it after Egren the Emperor, pity he wasn’t around anymore to see it in flight.

Where in the universe were we heading, it was starting to become an issue in my mind, the Queen hadn’t indicated any destination before or even at the start of our launch and now we had flow past Ivos and now Morak, the rest as far as I was aware, apart from the beastly stories about Karus, was unexplored and as indicated on the Aeronautical charts never been landed on before, at least that was what the official records showed.

I had studied up on the Arken Universe as part of my Aeronautical exams, it was the one and probably the only area that I was better at than even, Durion Apalon, who was top of the class in all the other disciplines, and he made sure everyone knew it too. I could categorise all of the planets that Arken had identified, with his extended scope all those eclipses ago, when travelling to them was just a dream of his, and now there were more planets that had been identified, than he originally plotted, but these weren’t mentioned to the Emperor, as the Aeronautical division didn’t want to offend Arken’s somewhat distant offspring.

I could hear the Queen and her guard approach from behind me, I quickly pulled my jacket from the back of my chair and covered up the big green unauthorised letters on the console with it, I sat up proudly in my seat, and gave the impression I had the piloting of this craft all under control.

“What’s your name Pilot?” Asked the Queen abruptly

“Sera, my lady.” I replied as I turned to face her “Sera….”

“No need for formal introductions.” Interrupted the Queen “I need you to be a pilot, and only a pilot, I don’t need you asking questions, or lending me advice, I’ve had enough damn advisors, to last me a life time, and did they ever help me, no, otherwise I wouldn’t be in the predicament I am now.”

“I understand,” I replied confused by her abrupt manner, which I could also see on the face of her guard standing behind her “I’ll ask no questions.”

“Good, now that we have passed that, barren waste of a planet, called Morak,” continued the Queen “What’s the next inhabitable planet, in the old mighty, and despicable, Arken Universe?”

“Let see, Tanik, is believed to be habitable.” I remarked, remembering one of my lessons with Mancent Kye “Tanik, was the next planet on the Aeronautical charts due to be explored.”

“Then that’s a good reason to give it a miss,” muttered the Queen “What’s after Tanik?”

“Lengar,” I recall

“Lengar, named after Arken the first, daughter, I believe,” informed the Queen “Lengar it is then.”

“Yes, but Lengar is….” I start to disagree

“Ah, no questions, remember.” Interrupted the Queen

“No questions!” I agree as the Queens guard looks at me with his green eyes unimpressed with his Queens behaviour “Come along, Wragin, I have plans to make.”

“Coming my lady,” Replied Wragin as the Brutish looking guard reluctantly followed his Queen

“What was her name, again?” Asked the Queen to Wragin “Never mind, Pilot, let us know when we have landed on Lengar.”

“I will.” I replied smiling to myself

“Good.” Concluded the Queen as Wragin and her left the pilots deck

“Believe me, you’ll know when we’ve arrived on Lengar, alright.” I laughed

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