Chapter 38 Commander Temo Halfer

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Chapter 38

Commander Temo Halfer

Planet: Ivos

As soon as our vessel, Tyran 5, came to rest on the docking bay, it was surrounded by a troop of Kahrron City Guards, who had drawn their weapons, which I took to be a sign of hostility.

“It doesn’t look like they were expecting you, Prince.” Chuckled Haken our Tyvorian pilot as he viewed the unfriendly reception awaiting us though the crafts window

“I’m thinking a shift of power may have occurred.” Surmised the Prince

“Be careful, the Queen, can still throw her influence all the way from Gyann Council chambers.” I advised

“Let’s find out.” Announce the Prince as he pressed the release button for the vessels door, and it slides open

The vast array of Tyvorian crafted weapons quickly pointed to our position as the Prince and I made our way on to the platform.

“Prince Serrafin.” Stated the surprised leader of the troop of Kahrron guards, who was easily distinguishable by the circles on the shoulders of his uniform, “And Commander Halfer, It is a pleasure to see you both return from you travels.”

“Captain Rokai, it is our delight to be back on Ivos.” I replied

“We need to see Commander Halfer’s brother, Deko.” Interrupt the Prince keen to know more about our hostile welcome

“I’m afraid, we are under strict orders to seize any landing vessel on Ivos and to bring its occupants to the Justicar for evaluation.” Replied the balding Rokai

“Do you know who you are addressing?” I angered from beside the Prince

“Yes, Commander.” Hesitantly replied the head of the guards “But the orders have come from the Justicar, and she was adamant that any wavering from her instructions and exiles would be issued.”

“Since when, did our people get threaten with exile?” Pondered the Prince

“The day your mother sent me to that planet of monsters.” Replied the King as he appeared behind us. The guards stood there in a stunned silence as they saw their former ruler, so gaunt and in ill health.

“Lead on, take us to the Justicar if you must.” Agreed the Prince as he stepped forward and we make our way to the city, under guard.

As we made our way through the Kahrron City gates and beyond, news had started to spread of our arrival and the further we entered the city the more crowds gathered and the louder the happy cheers rang out, for their King and Prince had returned.

“Lead on, take us to the Justicar if you must.” I agree as I step forward and we make our way to the city, under guard.

As we made our way through the Kahrron City gates and beyond, news had started to spread of our arrival and the further we entered the city the more crowds gathered and the louder the happy cheers rang out, for their King and Prince had returned.

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