Chapter 26 Pygo Calcunon

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Chapter 26

Pygo Calcunon

Planet: Gyann

“Yaden, you are just in time, Emissary Tor is making an imminent announcement in Ornament Square.” Says the old Tyvorian Guard with a thick blue beard who let us back into Gyann city

“What’s the announcement?” Asks Yaden as he removes his breathing apparatus

“I don’t know, but it’s got all the city into a frenzy, it’s rare for any sort of announcement from the Emperor or his trusted aid.” Replies the guard as he studies my face and glances unnervingly at the hooded Crawdling with us

“Thanks for keeping a look out for us Cron.” Says Yaden as he slaps a gesture of goodwill into the guard’s hand

“Hang on, don’t I recognise your bearded friend here.” Asks Cron confused as he looks hard into my eyes, failing to place my face from the wanted pictures all over the city

“Like I said Cron, always a pleasure dealing with you, and get something you that lovely wife of yours.” Responds Yaden quickly as he places a greater gesture into Cron’s out stretched hand

“Good doing business, once again with you Mr Golt.” Responds Cron as we hastily walk away and head towards Ornament square and Emissary Tor announcement

“I’m bound to be spotted if were heading to Ornament square, I’d take my cloak back but I think the Crawdling might draw more attention than me.” I state as I try to cower my face from the populous on the street.

 “Sir some coin for you hat?” asks Yaden as he places a gesture into a Tyvorian’s hand who was standing at the side of the street and was wearing a wide brimmed dark blue hat

“Thank you kindly, why it will feed my family for weeks.” Replies the astonished Tyvorian as he removes his hat and gives it willing to Yaden

“How do you get some much coin in such an oppressive city?” I ask as Yaden flings the purchased hat at me

“Navatha.” Replies Yaden as he comes to the back of the monument Square crowd and I put the large brimmed hat as far over my face a possible to hide my wanted face.

Emissary Tor stands on a temporary platform in front of my statue and the other so called space travel pioneers. I don’t mind Metrex having the privilege of being carved out for eternity with me, but the Emperor Egren Palander has no right to claim triumph over my invention.

Many Tyvorian guards surround Tor around the platform keeping the crowd subdued. I checked that the Crawdling King was still tamely standing next to me and Yaden, and I was happy that we had not drawn any strange looks from the locals.

“It is with a heavy heart that I come before you today.” Bellowed Emissary Tor through a voice amplifier that was barely visible due to his bushy double beard

“He is a manipulative Gyann” I whisper to Yaden next to me from under my hat

“Alas Emperor Egren Palander has fallen and Died.” Announces Tor to a mixture of shocked groans and half-hearted cheers until some of the Tyvorian guards reach for their rifles to subdue the gathering

“That might have just ended your revolution, Pygo.” Whispers Yaden as cheers start to ring out for Myron from the wanting crowd

“A new ruler will be crowned.” Says Tor as he rushes from the stage under his armed guards as the noise of Myron rings out throughout the square

“Well, now it looks like the peoples favourite, the Emperors son, Myron is in charge, I think your Ovion Cass’s carvings can wait a few eclipses.” States Yaden smiling

“We will see. He is still a Palander.” I reply glad to hear of Egrens demise

“So what are we going to do with him now?” Asks Yaden as he points to the Crawdling King

We had returned to the Lonely Star Inn, to contemplate the announcement of Egren’s demise. Yaden had already dismissed any notion of an uprising against the Palander Empire, now that a new and highly regarded Tyvorian would probably take the throne.

I had known Myron Palander from a young child, and he had indeed grown into a well renowned and likeable heir, with perhaps his only bad trait that he listen too often to his father’s terrible council, which influenced him too much.

How would this young Tyvorian react to the greater power that would now bestow him as Emperor, could the grandeur of the throne and it’s sometimes destructive advisors, corrupt the potential of a great Emperor. He would need good advisors. I would put myself forward as a potential mentor, but would my history with his father cloud his judgement of me?

Lost in my own thought, Yaden had left me in my hidden back room at the Inn, to attend to Tavern duties, but I wasn’t alone, the Crawdling King sat opposite me across a small table, looking at me blankly with little expression on his green scaled face and almost dazed black eyes which seemed to still hold my entrancement.

What was I to do with this creature now, I had no immediate requirement for him, and as the ancient craving foretold, no beast should be awoken from the menagerie without purpose. The menagerie, I never re-locked the gate with a warlock charm, I thought cursing myself.

The darkness of night had crept in through the tiny window at the back of our concealed chamber and the fatigue of our journey began to creep up on my tired old frame, tomorrow we would have to start to travel back to the menagerie, and return the Crawdling King to his enforced slumber and I would cast a spell on the gate once more to keep the secrets of the menagerie safe for the next generation. My plan lingered in my mind as I pulled my bed covers over me and shut my weary eyes.

I woke up suddenly from a deep sleep, as an agony penetrated my torso, my eyes shot open to see the Crawdling King above me, repeated stabbing at my chest as he held me down across the neck with his strong and scaly forearm, the pain sored from within my belly as I tried in vain to move from under the beast weight. I tried to cry out on pain, but the force being applied to my throat, muffled my screams.

The newly revived King continued his assault on my body, moving the dagger higher up my frame until, I finally felt what must have been the fatal blow, the tip of the dagger struck my heart and in an instance I could feel the remnance of my life slip from my being, the Crawdling King must have sense it too as I felt him stop pounding his blade into me and then left me alone, so I could start my endless sleep.

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