Part four: The pain of remembering

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That night I slept well at Levy's place. I had come in kind of late after my walk.

Levy had fallen asleep on the couch reading a book. I decided to make her more comfortable by putting a blanket over her,  and turning off the reading light. Then I had gone into my room and collapsed onto the bed. I laid there thinking about my new FairyTail friends, and all that had happened today. It's strange how I've only known these people for a day and yet I feel like I have some sort of bond with them. If that's what this feeling is. I don't know what having friends is like. Is it possible I'm confusing general likeness with the feeling of a bond. I never felt any bond except with my parents, but I've heard that's different. At least I know what a bond doesn't fell like. It doesn't feel like what I feel when around Lyon. Gee that guy is such a jerk. He did apologize earlier though, so maybe he's not a complete jerk. His heart is just as frozen as his ice is though.

I yawned. Eventually my eyelids became heavy and I drifted off to sleep.

I woke up late into the morning. Levy was gone, but she had left a small breakfast and some tea for me. With a note that said good morning, and I'll be at the guild hall.

I smiled, ate, and drank. Then I showered and went into my room picking out my (f/c) ruffled tube top, and black jeans. I then slipped on my boots and a jacket, and walked out of the apartment. It was sunny, but cold and there were clouds overhead threatening to block out the sun's rays. I walked through the town which had few people in it, I'm guessing because of the colder weather. The few people who were out smiled at me as I walked by.

People in this town are so nice. Is this how most people are? I guess I haven't really ever looked up as I walked before. I was always scared of people. I had gotten over most of my childhood fears, but my fear of people developed long after I could be considered a child. Fearing certain things like I used to is impossible. If you want to get through life you need to toughen up. Show a little backbone make people see you can't be messed with. People are different, how am I supposed to get over a fear I know nothing about? I guess I have FairyTail to help with that.

I stopped in my tracks as I noticed something white fall in front of me. "Snow?" I looked around and sure enough there were snowflakes falling around. I smiled. I always loved snow it's so pretty, and I never minded the cold.

"Mommy look look it's snowing!" A child yelled excitedly.

"Yes I see that." His mother responded with a kind and gentle smile. "We should go in side I don't want you to catch cold."

"Ah I'm fine mom don't worry about it!" He chirped and happily danced around trying to catch the snowflakes.

A memory flashed into my mind.


"Daddy look it's snowing!" The young me exclaimed skipping in circles. My mom was standing in the doorway of our small house, and my dad was just about to take me out to train.

"I see that." He chuckled. "The first snow of the year."

"Oh maybe you shouldn't go training today. I wouldn't want you to catch cold." My mom said in worry.

"Cold?!" I asked in disbelief. Then I smiled brightly. "Remember mommy I'm half ice wizard, and we never get cold! Right Dad?"

"That's right sweetheart." He smiled at me. "Come on (nickname)"

"Ok! Bye mommy!" I waved, and then walked off with my father struggling to keep up with his tall strides.

/end of memory/

I let out a breath and continued walking. When I got to the guild hall some members were standing by the job board, or drinking at the tables, but a large group mostly my friends were all gathered around the bar whispering amongst themselves. I only could catch small bits of what they were saying.

"Master where'd you get this?"

"I did a background check and found it. I tried to do so digging but everything was classified."

"So she was involved in some sort of case, but what?"

"What's it supposed to mean?"

"You don't think...?"

"No she would never do anything wrong."

"Guys?" I asked walking up the the crowd. "What are you talking about?"

They all turned around looking surprised to see me.

"(Y/n) uh well um." Lucy stuttered.

"You might as well just tell her the truth." Erza said.

Gray took a packet of paper the master was holding, and gave it to me. "(Y/n)?" He said carefully. "We came across this while looking into you, and we were wondering if you could tell us what it's about."

Suddenly something clicked in my head, and I knew what they were talking about. I looked at the paper to confirm my suspicions. I felt a mixture of emotions anxiousness, sadness, confusion, but mostly fear, but I let that fear show in what I usually expressed it as, anger. "You did a background check on me?!"

They were taken aback my shouting, which had gotten a few more members to look. "Yes why are you so angry?" Gray asked calmly.

"I know I don't know much about friendship, but I know your supposed to trust each other!" I yelled.

"Why are you getting so upset?" Gray asked.

"Because! I get checking to make sure I don't have a criminal record or anything, but you had NO RIGHT to pry into this!" I screamed my voice cracking. I felt tears forming in the corners of my eyes.

"(Y/n), it's oka-"He started, and reached out to me.

"No!" I exclaimed throwing the papers at him, and running out of the guild hall, before I blew up even more.

I ran a while trying to hold in the tears. I stopped when I got tiered. I was near the big tree in town. The snow had picked up drastically, and there was even a thin layer on the ground and tree. The clouds covered the sun, and the town was quiet, no one was around. I never meant to get angry, and shout at them, but I hate this feeling. The pain of remembering. I stood there and looked down at my feet. My shoulders started to shake, and I felt the tears finally start to stream down my face as I cried quietly. I heard the quiet sound of footsteps crunching in the snow in front of me. When I looked up Lyon stood in front of me.

"(Y/n)?" He asked with a confused expression. He took a few steps closer to me. "Are you ok?"

I didn't care who he was the overwhelming feeling of dread was becoming too much, and I needed comfort. I grabbed his shirt collar, buried my face into his chest, and started to sob. "I don't want to remember anymore!"

He stiffened surprised by my sudden action, but then he became more relaxed and wrapped his arms around me loosely.

"I wish it never happened!" I continued to sob, and shook my head. "No I don't want to remember..."

"Shh it ok." He whispered tightening his grip. He rubbed small circles on my back calmingly. "It ok you're safe now."

I wrapped my arms around him, and continued to cry for a while longer.

Hey guys hope you liked the new part. So what do you think is going on with her/you? What did you think of the way Lyon decided to comfort you. Vote and comment, bye!

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