Part 20:*Bonus Chapter*

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Hey guys I got a little bonus chapter for you ;) woo! I hope you like it. It's longer I know... If you couldn't already tell it's gonna be Naya, which is Kaya and Nazar's (there pictures are in previous chapters btw) official ship name! Yay! Draw fan art! Ship it, I don't care! Just credit me for the characters and send me the links! XD btw my intagram is Hannah_of_fairytail2.0 if you are interested! Anyway to the story!

/Kaya's p.o.v./

Me and Nazar where out in town to gather supplies for my first mission. I was so happy when he offered to go with me! I started feeling strongly about Nazar that day he said he would protect me. Those words made my heart flutter. I was guessing that means it was what my father used to say was called having a crush. And I was sure I had a pretty big crush on him. But right now he had walked a little ways ahead, and I tried to keep up with him. When I spotted him a ran toward his direction. When I got there he was helping (y/n) off the ground. She got all flustered,and laughed nervously at something he said. A hint of what I'm guessing was jealously sparked in me. What did he say, that made her act that way. She doesn't like him right? Does he like her? I hope not... I love (y/n) she's so kind, and even though I haven't known her that long, I feel like she's my best friend. If she likes Nazar, then I don't know what to do... "Nazar!" I called and ran up to them. I then stopped and leaned over panting slightly. "Geez don't walk so fast."

"Oh where are you two off to?" (Y/n) Asked.

"Nazar is taking me on my very first job!" I exclaimed happily, although my thoughts were still eating at me.

"Well technically we're leaving tomorrow, we are just getting supplies now." Nazar added calmly.

"Oh so you're taking her, huh?" She smiled at him.

His cheeks tinted pink slightly, and he turned to hide them. "Well yeah, it's dangerous, I'm not just gonna let her go alone."

He blushed? Just because she smiled at him? He really does like her... I frowned slightly. "You guys know I'm standing right here right?" I sighed.

"(Y/n) I need to talk to you later ok?" Nazar said to her.

I felt my heart twinge at those words. Talk? Talk about what? He's probably gonna tell her. Why did I fall for him? Is this what a breaking heart feels like?

"Okay sure." She nodded.

"Alright enough with all the standing around!" I pouted pretending it didn't hurt. "Let's go!" I skipped off past her, and down the street.

He soon followed after me, and we went into a nearby shop.


/Nazar's p.o.v./

I sat waiting for (y/n) on top of the hill. I had to talk to someone about the feelings I had been starting to feel toward Kaya, and (y/n) was the only one I could think of. She was my first friend, and I honestly kind of see her as a sister figure now. Still I was kind of nervous. Talking about my feelings isn't exactly my strongpoint.

She eventually walked up and sat down next to me with a sigh. "So?" She asked. "What do you want to talk about?"

I sighed, and readied myself for the direction I knew the conversation would head in. "Kaya."

"Oh?" She perked up. "What about Kaya?" She asked with excitement.

I shifted uncomfortably. "Weather you think she likes me or not." I grumbled.

"Awe!" She exclaimed. "Does that mean you like her?"

"What do you think?" I asked coldly, but I knew she wouldn't take it too seriously.

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