Part 11: Behind the unfriendly face...

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Just a warning there may be some child abuse mentioned in this chapter, and violence... It's not too bad though I promise.

The picture is what Nazar roughly looks like. Just imagine it in the fairy tail drawing style. I did make him with an app so... Don't judge!

Also (if you couldn't already tell) this chapter won't have much to do with the romance, but it develops some characters so it is important!

/your p.o.v./

I was dragged away from my friends and now am being taken, well who knows where. It suddenly started to rain, but then almost as quickly as it came it had gone.

"That was weird." I muttered to myself. "Where are we going anyway?"

"You don't have to worry your pretty little head about it." He replied.

"Well I don't want to find out so get your slimy hands off me!" I shouted and struggled against him.

"Hey, geez would you cool it!" He yelled at me as he struggled to keep his grip on me and kept walking.

I never stopped fighting making it a slow trudge to our, or rather his, destination.

"Damn it you're a handful." He got out a communication lacrima and called one of his men. "Tell Nazar to report to the temple."

"Yes sir." The man said and then hung up.

"What kind of temple?" I asked.

"Like I said you don't need to worry about it now keep still, and shut up." He growled, but of course I didn't listen. He dragged me into a temple and roughly dropped me on the stone ground.

"Ouch geez..." I muttered rubbing my tail bone.

Nazar suddenly appeared in the entrance way.

"Huh Nazar thank gods." He sighed obviously annoyed with me. "I need to get things prepared. Watch her, and careful she's a fighter. You can do anything you please just make sure she's still breathing afterwards." He walked away deeper into the temple.

"Fun I get to see your terrible memories again." Nazar smirked and stared to walk toward me.

I suddenly got scared. I don't want to go through it again! "No!" I screamed and just before he cast the spell I made a shield of ice. Something went wrong and the spell reflected allowing me to see his bad memories instead.

I was standing in a courtyard and a little boy, I assumed was Nazar, was backed up against a tree. A large group of other kids were surrounding him.

"You FREAK stay away from us!"

"Your magic is creepy!"

"YOU'RE CURSED, and wizards with curses should be killed. I know my dad told me!"

"No I'm not cursed please just listen to me." The young Nazar pleaded. "I'm not cursed..."

"No one loves you!"

"Go die YOU DEMON!"

"I'm not a demon." He continued to plead, tears now forming in his still youthful and hope filled eyes. "J-just PLEASE leave me alone!"

the scene in front of me vanished only to be brought into another.

"Dad! please you have to do something. The kids at school are making fun of me again..." Nazar said walking into his dad's office.

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