Part 21: love

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The song started playing while I was writing this and I found it very ironic... XD if you want to know why you'll have to listen to it. Also, AH! *blushes* This chapter! XD you'll see what I mean. This a very slight recap, but in Lyon's p.o.v. So...

/Lyon's p.o.v./

Before I knew what I was doing I had picked (y/n) up by her thighs, and pinned her against a tree. It was like my body had moved on its own. "You know what I think?" I whispered leaning in closer to her lips. I felt her shudder slightly. She stared back at me with confused eyes. "I think you're in love with me." And then I pressed my lips against hers.

/your p.o.v./

I felt myself stiffen slightly, and my eyes widened. Is Lyon...kissing me?! After a few seconds of panic I let my eyes flutter closed, and kissed him back. As soon as I did I felt him deepen the kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck, completely melting into him.

After what felt like and eternity we pulled away, because the lack of oxygen was increasing.

Lyon smiled at me, and I couldn't help but giggle. Which was kind of embarrassing, so I felt my cheeks redden. I looked away from his gaze.

He then pulled me off of the back of the tree and spun me around, causing me to scream slightly, and cling onto him for dear life. "Don't, do that!" I shouted.

"Awe come on (y/n) do you really think I would drop something as precious as you?" He asked flirtatiously. "Besides..." He pretended like he was going to drop me, which made me hold onto him even more. "I quite like it when you're holding me."

That made my cheeks go even redder, if that were possible, but I felt myself smile. My voice suddenly got quiet, and I once again looked to the ground. "Please put me down."

"Fine." He sighed reluctantly. He then carefully let my feet fall back onto the ground, but my arms still remained around his shoulder, making me have to stand on my toes.

"Your so cute when you blush." He said, and wrapped his arms around my middle.

"Shut up." I muttered, causing him to chuckle.

He then pulled away from me. "Come on."

"Where?" I asked.

"I don't care. I just want to spend the whole day with you." He replied, and then walked off. I hurriedly followed after him.


He had ended up taking me into town, just to wonder the market place. He even bought me my favourite drink.

"Don't spill it on me this time." He said smugly.

"That was one time, and I still say it was your fault." I huffed. It seems like so long ago that we met, but it wasn't really.

"Whosever fault it was, I'm glad that I met you." He smiled and grabbed my free hand as we walked.

"I'm glad I met you too." I muttered feeling another blush dust across my cheeks. He's making me feel so happy. Even just the slightest touch makes me go warm. Is this what love feels like? Because if so, than I think I've fallen for Lyon.

"Would you like to go to dinner with me?" He asked.

I smiled brightly. "How could I say no?"


It was getting darker, and we were just finishing up our meal. The restaurant was nice, and by the docs. A band played soft music in the background. Lyon payed the bill despite my debates on paying at least half.

He was looking at me like he had suddenly got an idea.

"What?" I asked.

"Would you like to dance?" He asked me.

"Wha-? Jeez when did you become such a romantic?" I asked with a slight laugh.

"Since I found this strange girl named (y/n)." He replied.

That made me blush again. I need to get used to this flirting thing. "You aren't serious are you?"

"Sure I am." He replied getting up, and holding out a hand to me. "Why not?"

"Ok then." I replied and slowly placed my hand in his.

He led me away from the tables, and then held me as close as possible, as we started to sway slowly to the music.

I felt my body go warm, and was too nervous to even look up at him.

He then put his index finger under my chin, and brought my head up to meet his gaze. "I want to see your face." He whispered with a loving smile.

I felt my heart skip a beat. No one has ever looked at me like this before... "Stupid Nazar." I muttered randomly.

"Huh?" He asked in confusion.

"I said stupid Nazar, and Gray, Cana, Kaya, Mira, even Happy. How did they all know?" I asked.

"Know what?" He asked.

I suddenly didn't know what to say. It was like my tongue was tied in a knot. What was my answer again? Ugh why am I so nervous? "N-n-nothing."

He smirked on me. "Come on (y/n)." He leaned in and whispered in my ear. "Tell me."

His hot breath on my skin sent a spark through me. My knees suddenly felt weak, and gave out.

"Wow are you ok?" He asked catching me.

All I could manage was a small nod. My heart was beating rapidly. I felt so much joy just being in his arms, that I never wanted him to let go. Is this what it feels like...? To fall in love...

"It's getting late, I'll take you home." He said kindly, and then took my hand as we started walking to Levy's place, which I was still staying at.

When we got there he brought me to the door and let go of my hand.

"Goodnight (y/n)." He said simply and then started to walk away.

I couldn't bring myself to reply. I realized at that moment that earlier today, I hadn't fallen in love with Lyon. No, I fell in love with him long before that kiss ever even happened. I have to say something. He's gonna walk away! Quickly say something! "Lyon."

He stopped and turned around.

I took a deep breath, and then it was like it came out so naturally. "I love you."

He seemed surprised, but then smiled, and came toward me again. He grabbed my waist and pulled me in closer to him. He tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear, and then pressed his lips against mine once again. It was a long and passionate kiss. when he pulled away he was still smiling, with a glint in his eyes. "I love you too, (y/n)"

Hey guys! Aweeeee! Kiss kiss fall in love! XD oh wait wrong anime. I hope you liked the new part. Vote and comment, bye!

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