Part 10: memories frozen in time

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/Gray's p.o.v./

The man dragged (y/n) out Of the room, and Nazar walked in.

"Where are you taking her?!" Lyon shouted angrily.

that's strange Lyon doesn't usually loose his cool like that. I wonder what's with him recently, he's been acting strange ever since that fight with (y/n) last night. He told me they made up and they've been getting along all day, so I wonder what happened.

"That's really not what you should be worrying about right now." Nazar snarled. "You should be more worried about what's going to happen to you. See we need your friend, so I can't do anything to her, but you guys on the other hand..." he trailed off. "and just so you don't  get any ideas." He cast a spell that put magic restraints on us. "Now who should we start with? well you know what they say laddies first." he turned to Juvia and placed his hand on her head. when he pulled it away Juvia started to weep. "Awe poor poor Juvia. No one loved you did they, you were alone, and had no friends. No matter how hard you tried you knew, no one liked a gloomy rain woman. Left with only a few puppets as friends."

I could hear the rain start to patter on the roof from outside.

"Oh great now she's at it again." Nazar sighed. "It's impressive that you can do that with the restraints on."

"Juvia don't listen to him!" I told her. "You have friends now. FairyTail is your family. You have Erza, Lucy, Wendy, Gajeel, even that idiot Natsu. And you have me to. We all care about you."

She stopped crying and looked up at me with tears still on her face.

"You aren't alone." I said giving her a small, but sincere smile.

The rain slowed to a stop. She smiled to through the tears. "Gray... I-"

She was cut off. "Well why don't we just have a look at your memories, and see how you feel after that." Nazar put his hand on my head, and I saw everything, no I didn't just see it a relived it. "Ur's death, and Urtear's, when Lyon tried to revive Deleora and went practically insane, my parents...

He pulled away, and when I snapped out of it I noticed I was panting and sweat dripped down my face. I was trying very hard to hold in the tears that were threatening to spill over my eyelids.

"Hm..." Nazar thought for a minute. "Almost as bad as that (y/n) girl, but still not as entertaining."

I wanted to retaliate, but couldn't bring myself to speak.

"Now don't think I left you out." He smirked turning to Lyon and once again using his spell.

Lyon shifted uneasily, and cringed. It was hard to watch as he scooted around seemingly in pain.

"Damn it stop!" I suddenly shouted.

Nazar stopped and left Lyon panting on the ground. "Wow you and Gray here go way back don't you? And not only did you loose Ur, but you almost lost him as well. You forgot because Urtear's Magic made time reverse, but now that I've reminded you how does it feel to relive that moment?"

Lyon didn't reply he just hung his head. It was hard to see his face, but I swear I saw something that was rare to Lyon. A few sliver drops ran down his cheek.

"Lyon?" I tried to snap him out of his thoughts.

Nazar started to walk away, but stopped when Lyon suddenly spoke.

"Happy." Lyon muttered.

"What?" Nazar asked in confusion.

"It makes me feel happy." Lyon repeated and looked up. "I feel relieved that Gray is still with me now. It makes me appreciate how good of a friend he is, and remind me not to take him for granted."

"But it's one of your worst memories." Nazar pointed out seeming to be more confused than angry.

"It doesn't matter. You learn from what's happened in your past." Lyon replied. "Your magic makes me sick. Everyone has something in their past that causes them pain. No matter how small or large that may be, they live life to leave it behind. They form guilds and become family. And those friends are there to make you happy, and forget about what's happened in the past. Everyone has things that they may regret doing, or people that have done unforgivable things to them, but we need to learn to move on, and live for the things and the people we care about now."

Nazar looked at him strangely and I couldn't tell if it was a look of hate, if he was deep in thought, or both. It didn't matter however because it was soon broken when one of his men waked in.

"Nazar sir the master has requested you." the man said.

He didn't say a word and just gave us one last strange glare before he left with the other man; leaving the three of us confused as to what it was he was thinking. The magic restraints dispersed when he walked far enough away, and we were out of his rang of magic.

"Juvia are you ok?" I asked moving over to her. I wiped away the stray tears on her face. it hurt my heart to know that she had been crying.

"Yes thank you." she said happily.

Then I did something on impulse that even surprised me. I wrapped my arms around her pulling her into a hug. I could just imagine her face, talk about something a lovesick girl can fawn over. when I pulled away sure enough her face was red, and she had the biggest grin I had ever see before.

"Ugh get a room." Lyon grunted.

"Yeah ok, gee Lyon I didnt know you cared about me so much." Gray said teasingly.

"Shut up asshole." Lyon muttered looking away.

Juvia laughed at the pair of us.

suddenly there was a loud noise outside. We could hear some of the men shouting. the door to the room we were in opened, but no one was there, and all the men laid on the ground unconscious.

"What the hell happened here? Who or what did this?" Lyon asked.

"I don't know but I'm not complaining." I replied. "let's go find (y/n)"

hey guys! I know this part was kinda shorter sorry... I hope you liked the slight Gruvia action, and the friendship between Gray and Lyon. Next chapter will be getting deeper into the story and will hopefully answer some questions. vote and comment, bye!

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