Part 24: Warmth

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Hey guys this chapter is mostly romance. I'm sorry if it was bad I was kind of struggling to write this part. Idk why just writers block. Also I know a lot of you want a Lemmon, but I'm just not comfortable writing one, sorry. I don't judge any of you for writing or reading them, it's just writing one is not something I am comfortable doing. I hope you understand. Anyway enjoy the chapter.

/Lyon's p.o.v./

I was walking back to my house from the market. It had been a while since I'd been home, so I hadn't had any food. I left (y/n) at my place. I didn't want to leave her alone after what happened, but she insisted she'd be fine. I didn't argue because she can sure as hell be scary sometimes. I opened the door and walked in. "(Y/n), I'm back."

There was no response. I quickly put away the food.

"Are you here?" I walked into various rooms. When I flicked the light lakrima on in my bedroom she was there, sleeping soundly on my bed. I smiled. I really can't blame her. After all that's happened she must be exhausted.

She shifted in her sleep.

I turned the light off, and walked over to her. I sat on the edge of the bed and covered her with the blanket. She looked so peaceful. I laid down next to her.

She turned toward me. Her eyes were open slightly, but she only seemed half awake. She then scooted closer burying her face into my chest. "Goodnight, my prince." She mumbled tiredly.

She defiantly is tiered. I let out a small chuckle, and kissed the top of her head. "Goodnight my love." I then felt her fall asleep.


/your p.o.v/

I woke up because of a sudden coldness that washed over me. I opened my eyes to see that Lyon was no longer there. Sun was now streaming through the window. I could smell something good in the air. I rolled out of bed and walked to the kitchen, rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

Lyon was there making breakfast.

I walked over to him, and rested my forehead onto his back. "Why'd you leave. I got cold." I grumbled.

He smiled. "Good morning to you to." He turned around and gave me a small kiss on the lips. "We'll eat, and then I'll bring you home okay?"

"Ok." I grumbled sitting at the table. "So sleepy..."


We were now heading back to Magnolia, and I had managed to wake up a bit. I smiled happily as I leaned on Lyon's shoulder, and played with a piece of my hair. The train ride home was short.

"Lyon?" I asked.

"Yes?" He replied.

"What am I to you?" I asked. "I mean we never...made anything official."

"That's true. I just kind of assumed when you said you loved me that we were together, but if you want me to ask you." He paused. "Will you be my girlfriend (y/n)?"

I felt a warmth spread through my whole body, and I smiled. "Yes."

He took my chin in between his thumb and index finger, tilting my head up, and kissing me.

I pulled away shyly. "L-Lyon we're in public."

"I don't care I want everyone to know that you're mine, and no one else's." He laughed slightly, and brushed his hand across my cheek. "Besides it's cute when you blush."

"Sh-shut up." I stuttered causing him to laugh again.


"(Y/n) your back!" Kaya exclaimed happily, engulfing me into a big hug.

"Hey Kaya!" I hugged her back happily. "How was your first mission?"

"The best couple days of my life..." She trailed off dreamily, and a pink tinted her cheeks.

"Is that so?" I asked teasingly. I looked over to Nazar who looked like he was trying to hide from me. "Nazar? How was it for you?"

He flinched slightly, and I watched as his cheeks turned practically as red as Erza's hair. "Y-you know... what she said."

"Awe look who's getting all embarrassed." I teased.

"Oh just shut up." He grumbled.

"How was your trip Lyon and (y/n)?" Gray asked appearing behind Lyon.

"Eventful." I sighed. "Very eventful." I frowned slightly.

"Oh guess what?" Kaya asked me in excitement.

"What?" I replied.

"We got three new members of the guild. Can you guess who?" She asked.

Before I could answer I was tackled to the ground by two little hugs. "Big sisa (y/n)!" Tori and Teresa exclaimed.

"You really need to stop doing that." I sat up rubbing my elbow.

"Sorry." They said in sync. "But look look!" They showed off their brand new green emblems on opposite shoulders, and got off of me.

"You joined the guild!" I exclaimed happily.

"Yeah, a family has to stay together right?" Lilah said holding out a hand to help me up.

I noticed the brand new purple emblem on her hand as I took it. Once I was back on my feet I hugged her. "Right."

"Big brother Lyon, do you like our emblems?" Tori asked him.

"B-big brother?" He asked in confusion. "Why'd you call me that?"

"Well because, you're married to (y/n) right?" Teresa asked. "So that would make you are big brother."

"What?!" I asked feeling my face burn red in embarrassment.

Lyon had the same expression.

The other guild mates all laughed.

"No guys, they are not married." Lilah said she then lowered her voice. "Yet."

"Shut up!" I yelled tackling her to the ground.

In the meantime Gray had whispered something to Lyon, and they started a fight of their own.

"Oh come on (y/n) am I gonna have to kick your butt like I did when we were kids?" She asked flipping me around, and pinning me to the ground.

"Yeah well a lot of things have changed since we were kids." I said quickly kicking her off me, and pinning her down instead.

Before I knew it the whole guild had once again gotten into a big fight.

Even if it was such a crazy guild, I loved them. I was finally happy again, and had a loving family. Everyone in the world that I cared about was with me, and it would be forever... Right? I suddenly got a strange feeling. Little did I know what that feeling was for.

Hey guys, I really like leaving cliffhangers XD. This makes me sad to say, but this book may be completed soon. I really don't want to end it because I really enjoy writing it, but I'm simply running out of ideas. All good things must come to an end right? Anyway vote and comment, bye!

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