Part 19: A Confusing Feeling

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*smirks a thousand times* 😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏 that's all I'm gonna say! XD

/your p.o.v/

I was walking back to the guild, and I could still feel my heart pounding. I looked down to the ground deep in thought as I walked. I wasn't paying attention, and ran straight into someone, causing me to fall on my butt.

"Ouch." I grumbled.

"Sorry (y/n), are you ok?" I looked up to see Nazar holding out a hand to me.

I took it and pulled myself up. "I'm fine thank you."

"Are you sure? You seem distracted." He said.

I suddenly got flustered, and laughed nervously.  "Wh-what?! I don't know what you're talking about. Ha ha I'm acting perfectly normal." Why am I acting all weird? Is it because this feeling toward Lyon?

"Um... Okay?" He looked at me strangely.

"Nazar!" Kaya called and ran up to us. She then stopped and leaned over panting slightly. "Geez don't walk so fast."

"Oh where are you two off to?" I Asked.

"Nazar is taking me on my very first job!" Kaya exclaimed happily.

"Well technically we're leaving tomorrow, we are just getting supplies now." Nazar added calmly.

"Oh so you're taking her, huh?" I smiled teasingly at him.

His cheeks tinted pink slightly, and he turned to hide them. "Well yeah, it's dangerous, I'm not just gonna let her go alone."

"You guys know I'm standing right here right?" Kaya sighed.

"(Y/n) I need to talk to you later ok?" Nazar said to me.

"Okay sure." I nodded.

"Alright enough with all the standing around!" Kaya pouted. "Let's go!" She skipped off past me, and down the street.

Nazar sighed, and shook his head. "I'll meet you where we talked last time." He then followed after her.

I just chuckled, an kept walking to the guild.

When there I talked happily with the other members. I stood up to go get a drink and Lyon was walking toward the exit.

"Hey." He addressed me as he walked. "We'll meet the same place, and same time tomorrow." He ruffled my hair as he passed causing me to freeze in my tracks.

I felt my heart skip a beat, and my face go warm, as he walked out the door. I shook my head and composed myself. Come on (y/n) get it together! I sat on the bar stool with a sigh.

"Would you like something to drink?" Mira asked me kindly.

"Yes please. Anything I don't really care." I laid my head on the counter.

"Alright her you go." She placed a drink down before being called over by some other members.

"What's wrong, looks like something's on your mind." Cana looked at me from a couple bar stools down.

"I don't know." I muttered.

"Tell me, I might be able to help." She moved to the stool next to me.

"Ok but you can't tell anyone." I said.

"Promise, so spill it." She agreed.

"Well I just don't understand. Today, in our training session, I started to feel really strange around Lyon. My heart would race, and my face would get all hot, and I'm just really confused." I explained.

"Well that's nothing strange. You probably just like him." She replied causally.

"Like him?!" I asked

"Yeah you've developed a crush on him." She nodded.

"A c-crush?" I felt my face go red.

"Or a more strong feeling who knows?" She added.

I felt myself get even more flustered. Damn this feeling, I hate how embarrassed I'm getting. "What do you mean a stronger feeling? Like what?"

"Nevermind you'll understand when the time comes." She answered with a sigh.

When the time comes? What's that supposed to mean? I sighed and composed myself. "Whatever thanks for the talk." I then stood up, and left to meet with Nazar. (No spoilers, but that conversation is in the next chapter)


The next day I had met Lyon at the same place same time, just like he said. We were into the training, and I was getting a lot better. Father would be proud. Lyon kept looking at me strangely from time to time, and I could figure out why. It was actually starting to piss me off slightly. Mostly because I'd look at him, and he'd just snap his gaze away with no explanation. He brushed up against my hand, and then suddenly stopped, and gave me an even stranger look to which I glared back at.

"Ok well your getting better, but you need an attitude check." He grumbled with an eye roll.

Is he seriously picking a fight with me after all this strange behaviour?! "You're the one who keeps looking at me!"

"Tch you must be seeing things, why would I be looking at you?" He asked smugly.

"I don't know." I huffed. "You don't seem to be wanting to give an explanation!" I honestly didn't even know why I was so mad, but I was.

"An explanation for what?" He snapped. "I told you you're seeing things."

"What's wrong with you?" I asked in annoyance.

"There's nothing wrong with me." He replied angrily then he smirked. "Honestly (y/n) if you are going to make things up, at least make them believable. I am seriously getting sick of you though, so I'll be leaving." He started to walk away, but stopped to add, "I'm sorry (y/n), but I haven't got time to waste on children like you."

That set me off. "Lyon Vastia! I hate you, and your dumb frozen heart!" I screamed.

This caused him to freeze, turn around and then stomp towards me. I backed away from him, but hit a tree. He got into my face causing me to blush slightly at his closeness.

"Really?" He asked seeming not to believe a word I said. "You hate me, eh?"

"Maybe I do." I muttered, not looking him in the eyes.

"Well I find that hard to believe, because I seem to recall you saying that you didn't hate me." He looked at me with that glint in his eyes that said, 'I'm winning this argument'. That look made me even more mad. "In fact I don't think you hate me at all. I have a feeling that it's the complete opposite actually."

A gasp escaped my lips as he suddenly picked me up by my lower thighs, and pinned me to the tree. I grabbed his shoulders so I wouldn't fall.

"Wh-wha-what are you doing?" I asked barely able to speak. I was slightly scared, but didn't struggled to get free.

He didn't answer, and balanced me, so that our faces were at the same level. "You know what I think?" He asked leaning in so close that I could feel his breath on my lips. It sent a shiver down my spine. "I think you're in love with me." And with that he pressed his lips against mine.

Hey guys, that's the end of that chapter. Mwahaha I'm so evil >:)! Anywho, XD I hope you liked it, and I always love feed back. Vote and comment, bye!

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