Part 15:Nightmares, swimming, and alchohol

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Hey guys this chapter is mostly filler but there is some romance *wink wink*, and you get to know your past a bit. yeah but sorry for some of the lazy writing... also this chapter is an emotional roller coaster. While writing it I went from wanting to cry to laughing my ass off, so yeah be prepared!

/your p.o.v./

After the fire and Lyon saving me, everything else was a blur. I remember just falling in and out of sleep. Finally I was able to fall into a deep sleep. Only to be disturbed by my dreams.

"(Y/n)?" I heard my mother's voice. "(Y/n) where are you?"

"Mom?" I questioned. I looked around and saw her. I ran to her and wrapped my arms around her.

"There you are." She laughed happily. "You guys were sure out training for a while."

"We had a lot to go over." My dad replied coming up behind me. "She's learning how to use both hands while casting spells."

"That's really good I'm so proud-" she stopped talking as we heard a sound of a wagon rolling up.

Some men jumped out. My father started to talk to them, and I could tell he wanted them to leave. The men suddenly attacked pulling me away from my mother.

"Mommy no!" I screamed desperately. As they carried me toward the wagon.

"(Y/n)!" She tried to help me but more of the men attacked her. I lost sight of her amongst all of them.

I struggled against the man's steel grip, and tried to use my magic, but I was far to weak. "Daddy?!" I called desperately.

He heard my call and quickly defeated the men surrounding him, coming to save me. He knocked out the man holding me freeing me from my grip. The men still surrounding us. They were powerful wizards... My father fought the best he could, but a man snuck up behind him, stabbing a sword straight through his stomach. He fell to the ground clutching the wound that was bleeding uncontrollably.

I winced, it was the first bad wound I had ever seen. I fell to my knees and moved over to his large figure. "Father? Please you have to get up, you have to fight." His eyes were closed, and I noticed his breathing had stopped. The tears were streaming down my pale cheeks, and my small voice cracked. I took him in my arms, feeling my body start to quake. "Father? Daddy...? Please daddy you have to wake up!!!" I shook him desperately. "Joseph?!" I desperately called for my mother's childhood friend who was often around to protect us, but he wasn't anywhere near. I prayed he was safe. Another man picked me up tearing me away from my father's lifeless body. "No!" I screamed. Sobbing bitterly. "NO NO NO! Don't take me! I can save him. He's not dead please tell me he's not!!!!!!!"

"You stupid little girl!" The man yelled at me. "Your family is dead, so shut up!" He threw me into the back of the wagon where I was locked in a very small cell with three other shivering children. I continued to cry bitterly. T-they died... They're all gone..."N-no!"

One of the girls scooted over to me. She seemed to be around my age. She hugged me close. She was so cold, and I could tell she was weak. I didn't know if she was hugging me for warmth or comfort, but I guessed both. "It's ok..." She trailed off. I could tell by her voice and the way she trembled that she,as well as the others, was scared to death. "S-someone will s-save us, right?"

I cried and retuned her hug, desperate for any kind of comfort. I prayed she was right...

"(Y/n), wake up!"

I snapped my eyes open, and saw Lyons hovering above me with a worried expression. I was panting desperately trying to catch my breath. By the sourness in my through to could tell I had been screaming in my sleep.

Melting his Icy heart ( Lyon x Reader ) [completed]Where stories live. Discover now