Part 31: An unimaginable end (part 2)

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/your p.o.v./

After his marriage proposal, and a small make-out session, me and Lyon had fallen asleep under the willow tree.   It didn't surprise me since I hadn't got the best of sleep the last few nights. Seems as though when I'm alone or Lyon isn't around that always happens. I wouldn't be having that problem anymore though.

I slowly opened my eyes to see I was curled up to him, my head resting gently on his stomach. I looked up to see that he was still asleep. I curled back up and looked at the new ring on my finger, and smiled.

Then I felt that smile fade... Although I was extremely happy to be engaged to Lyon, because I loved him more than anything in this world, I felt my mind wander back to memories of my mother.

I curled up more into him, hiding my face in his shirt. I don't understand why I feel this way. I mean I always miss my mother that will never change, but I'm starting to feel like this is somehow different. I just feel like there was still a small void in my heart, but there's also the feeling that the something to fill it is right there just out of my reach. It wasn't Lyon... or my friends, but then what was it?

I felt Lyon shift under me, and unburied my face slightly to look up at him.

"What's wrong?" he asked after a yawn, and I realized that some tears had formed in my eyes.

I quickly sat up and wiped them away. "Nothing really. I was just thinking about my mother. I'm okay, I promise."

He smiled and sat up to. He put a hand on the back of my head, pulled me closer, and placed a small kiss on my forehead. "It's okay."

Somehow he always manages to cheer me up. "I know." I couldn't help but feel my smile return. "Now come on!" I hopped up excitedly. "Let's go back to the guild and tell everyone the good news! Erza's gonna freak." I quickly skipped off.

He chuckled and followed after me.


As we walked hand in hand toward the guild we chatted happily.

"So, when are you going to tell your guild?" I asked.

"Oh they already know. Remember a little while ago when I took you to meet them?" He asked.

"Yeah." I replied feeling a slight ping at the memory of Jackson.

"Well when I was talking to Jura I was asking advice on the subject. He was actually the one who convinced me to propose. Of course I still took my sweet time didn't I?" He sighed.

I laughed. "Well I would have waited a million years if I had to."

When we got to the guild we walked in, not many people were there, besides the Strauss siblings, so we decided to wait for more to arrive. We sat together at one of the tables in the back. Slowly the guild started to fill with people. The thunder legion, team Natsu, Nazar and Kaya, almost everyone.

Someone else also entered, but I was distracted and could't really see who it was. I could hardly hear her voice, but knew it wasn't a member of our guild. I figured it was just someone making a request to the guild. Everyone grew slightly quieter

"Please, I want the Fairy Tail guild to help me find my daughter... I have no where else to turn to." The woman begged.

"Um...(Y/n)..." Nazar trailed off and everyone shuffled away finally giving me a view of the woman.

She blinked back at me with wide eyes. "No... way..."

I felt shock take over all of my being and stood frozen for a second. Then I felt a surge of overwhelming delight. I ran toward her feeling tears of happiness build up in my eyes. "Mommy!" I engulfed her in a huge hug.

"Oh my god (y/n)?!" She hugged me back and we fell to our knees. "It's really you! I finally found my little girl!" She kissed my tear streamed face a few times making me laugh.

"I-I thought you died." I managed through a weird laugh like sob.

"No Joseph came in time to save me." She explained wiping away my tears and a few of her own. "We've been looking for you for years, but after you were taken away it was like you dropped off the map."

"Joseph is alive to?" I asked my tone loud and joyous.

"Mary what's taking so long? Did they except the request?" A man who I thoroughly recognized asked walking in behind her.

"Joseph!" I exclaimed jumping off the floor and wrapping myself around him.

"Woah!" He said in shock having to quickly balance the both of us so we wouldn't fall over. "(Y/n)? Is it really you?"

"I missed you!" I shouted squeezing him tight before letting go, and dropping back down so my feet were on the floor.

"I missed you to." He said breaking out into a rare big smile. "You haven't been letting anyone tell you what to do right?"

"No way." I replied putting my hands in my hips proudly.

"Good." He replied.

"Cause we follow our heart, screw destiny!" We chanted together doing our old familiar handshake.

"That's right kiddo." He chuckled ruffling my hair.

"I should probably introduce you to everyone." I said. "This is Fairy Tail, it's my home and my family. That's Nazar, he's like my big brother, and his girl friend Kaya, who's my best friend. Then there's Juvia Lockster and Gray Fullbuster." I continued to introduce people. Till finally it got down to the most important one. "And this, is Lyon." I replied looping my arm into his. "He, and actually this is the first time any of you are hearing this, is my fiancé." I couldn't help but let the word roll of my tongue with joy, and a bit of pride.

The whole guild cheered, and I was suddenly trapped in a bear hug by Juvia and Mira. Erza just gushed about how she was going to be the best bride's maid I've ever had!

"This is a chance to celebrate!" The master shouted.

"Yeah!" Cana shouted struggling to hold the barrel of beer she was drinking. "Bring out the booze!"

"I think she's already started early." Max muttered.

"What else is new?" Warren replied back.

Soon the whole guild was in full on party mode. Drinking, laughing, and making merry. Making sure to make our two new guests feel right at home.

I might not have everything in the world, or a perfect life, but I have more than anyone needs. An old and new family, a home, and someone who loves me unconditionally. My void was completely filled.

And I was happier than I could ever imagine.

~fin~ (but not really cause there's an epilogue)

Hey guys I hope you liked the new part. Sorry I took so long to finish this, but I was pushing it of because I DON'T WANT IT TO END! But it must. See you all in the epilogue, vote and comment, bye!

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