Part 25: Something's missing

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/Lyon's' p.o.v./

(Y/n) had gone out with Lucy, Levy, and Kaya to do who knows what. I decided to stay at the guild with Gray, and wait for her to come back.

"So when (y/n) said that your trip was eventful, what did she mean by that?" Gray asked.

I took a deep breath. "When we were gone (y/n) was kidnapped, and she was in a lot of trouble. A friend of hers ended up... dying, so she may be a little distant for a while." I slammed my fist on the table. "It's all my fault. I shouldn't have left her alone. Not even for a second. I'm pathetic..."

"Come on man, you couldn't have known it was gonna happen." He consoled. "You can't blame yourself for it. You know that she would never blame you, nor would she want you to beat yourself up over it. The world can be a dangerous place, and as sad as it is shit happens sometimes. If everyone went around blaming themselves for every little thing, the world would end as we know it."

"Hm... I guess your right." I sighed. "Still I just hope she's gonna be ok."

He gave a small rare smile. "I'm sure she will. She's tough, and she's got a family to help her through it."

I smirked. "Geez I would never think you'd care enough to try and make me feel better."

"Oh shut up. Don't get used to it. I'm helping (y/n) out. She wouldn't like it if she knew you felt like this." He muttered.

"Ok sure." I chuckled. "Well thanks for looking out for my girlfriend."

He choked on his drink. "Girlfriend?! When did that happen?"

"Well it officially happened on the train this morning." I replied.

"Damn now I feel so out of the loop. One minute you guys are so dense and oblivious, and the next your dating?" He grumble. "I mean it's about freaking time."

"Why do I have the feeling everyone else was aware of our feelings before we were even aware of them?" I asked sweat dropping from my head.

"That's because we did all know. Besides maybe Natsu, but you know how dense he is." Gray muttered.

"I hear that you streaker!" Natsu yelled from across the room. He then made his way over to us. "You wanna say that to my face?"

"Yeah I got no problem with it you dumb pyro!" Gray retaliated as they butted heads.

"That's enough!" Erza shouted pushing them away from each other. "You two need to stop behaving like children!"

"Yes ma'm." The mumbled.

I sighed I swear they never change.


/your p.o.v./

I had spent almost all day with Lucy, Levy, and Kaya. I had a lot of fun, but afterwords I just needed some time to relax. I went to the east forest and lied down in the grass, looking up at the branches above me. The sunlight streamed through the leaves desperately reaching for the ground. 

I spun Jackson's lighter in my hand. Then traced my fingers along the engraving of his initials, as I let out a deep breath.

I don't understand why I have this feeling. I feel like there is some kind of emptiness. Like there's something missing. The worst part is I feel like it's so close, but I just can't find it. Why am I feeling this way? I thought I was happy, but this is giving me doubts... I closed my eyes. Why does something always come in between me and my happiness.

I heard footsteps and opened my eyes to see Lyon standing above me. "Hey." He smiled kindly at me.

"Hi. How'd you find me?" I asked him.

He laid down next to me letting out a deep breath. "Lucy told me." He answered. "What are you doing?"

"Just thinking I guess." I replied.

He took my hand in his and scooted a little closer. "You ok?"

I felt the warmth again at his touch. The feeling spread throughout my whole body. It brought a smile to my face. Even though that feeling of emptiness was still there I put it in the back if my mind and felt happy again. Just being with him seemed to bring a joy I could never fully understand, but I didn't need to understand it. All I needed to know was that he was with me.

"I am now." I turned toward him, resting my head on his chest and closed my eyes as we laid together in the soft grass. "I love you." He could never understand how much.

He wrapped his arm around me, kissing the top of my head. "I love you to."


The next day me and Lyon were just walking through town together. We were chatting happily amongst the crowds. I heard a voice call out my name.

Huh that sounds so familiar, and yet it's different. A boy ran up to us.

"(Y/n) that is you right?" He asked with a smile.

I nodded.

"I knew it!" He exclaimed happily. "I know I look pretty different, and it has been some time, but don't you recognize me?"

I looked at him for a second, and then it hit me. "Sean?"

"Yup, see I knew you wouldn't forget me." His smile only grew wider. "It sure has been a while, how have you been."

"Good, mostly." I replied. Could he be the cause of this empty feeling? No, if that were the case than it would have gone away. It's still there, but then what is it?

"I heard about your family..." He trailed off suddenly getting sad. "I'm so sorry, no one should ever have to go through that. I still tell stories about them to the locals, so everyone knows how great they were."

"Oh well thank you..." I gave a weak smile.

"I actually have to get going soon, but maybe sometime would could grab a drink together?" He asked.

"Oh I'm sure, that'd be fine." I nodded.

"We actually have to go now ourselves, so goodbye." Lyon suddenly spoke, and then grabbed my hand dragging me away. He didn't stop until we were by the big tree.

"Lyon!" I pulled my hand from his. "What was that about?"

He ignored my question. "Who was that guy."

"A childhood friend I guess you could say." I answered. "He was the closest thing we had to a neighbor when I was young. We played together as kids a lot, but we weren't all that close. He was always kind of arrogant."

"Yeah well he sure seemed to be looking at you like you were more than just a childhood friend." He grumbled crossing his arms.

"Wait a minute." A smirk formed on my face. "Is the great Lyon Vastia jealous?"

"I'm not jealous!" He shouted pink spreading across his cheeks.

"Awe you are." I laughed.

"I'm not." He said sternly.

"I think it's cute." I wrapped my arms around my neck, hugging him.

"He returned my embrace, and rested his forehead against mine. "You are mine."

I chuckled. "Always."

Hey guys yeah I didn't answer the question of the last cliffhanger yet, deal with it! XD anyway as always vote and comment, bye!

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