Part 16: Trapped

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Warning this may be a bit graphic. Sorry. Let's just say you've been through worse than hell, and this chapter describes why you act so afraid of your past. I won't make it too bad, so don't worry.

"You can't run if it's always in your head..."

/your p.o.v./

It was a few days after the party. I couldn't remember anything from that night, but levy said she left me with Lyon, so I don't know if I should be relieved or worried. Lyon had left to go on a mission apparently. He had Gray tell me goodbye for him after he left. I should probably be mad again for him not telling me directly after he said he wouldn't do it, but he also said he'd be back in a couple days, so I let it slide. Just this once. As for me, I hadn't gotten much sleep after that night. The nightmares threatened me every time I closed my eyes. As tiered as I was I was too scared to even think about sleeping. In a strange way it kind of made me miss Lyon. I had gone to the guild, but nothing eventful happened.

Now I was just taking a walk through the woods hoping it would clear my mind. My legs felt tiered and I suddenly felt slightly dizzy. I guess no sleep is effecting me more than I thought. I sat down and leaned back against a tree to rest. That was a bad idea, because I fell asleep, and the nightmares soon followed.

I cried and hugged the girl back, praying that someone would save us.

"I'm Lilah." She said in a small voice. "What's your name?"

"(Y/n)." I replied through my tears. "Do you know where they are taking us?"

"No... " she replied. "But I'm scared. Stay with me?"

"Uh Yeah sure." I replied.

"Do you promise?" She asked.

"Yeah I promise." I agreed.

"Good so we'll be best friends, and best friends always look out of each other, ok?" She asked with a slight smile, that barely shone through her sad and scared expression.

"Ok." I replied simply trying to force a smile as well.


The place they took us to was just as bad as we had feared, if not worse. Me and Lilah share a large cell with many other children, and a women. The two kids who were with me and Lilah also shared the same cell, but one day after being selected, they never came back. The women tells us stories. Fairy tails, and my favourite was The City Of Esteven. She always looked at me when she told that one. Sometimes I wonder why. Wonder if maybe she was trying to tell me something. She is our light in the constant darkness, that is until one day where she to didn't come back...

The men here keep us trapped to do their 'experiments'. But it is more like torture. Why they do it, we never knew... We just pray that we won't end up being the one strapped to the operating table. I could hear the screams from the cells. See the bodies of the ones that didn't make it being dragged and carelessly thrown who knows where. The smell is horrific, but I got used to it. The worst part was if you were selected. For some reason I was a favourite. I never forgot the first time...

A was strapped to a table shaking. I couldn't calm myself. The doctor came over and looked at me. He looked as if I weren't even human. Like I was just some object he could do anything he wished to. "Now calm down, this is all for science." He would say, and then smile. "You are mine, and if you defy me there will be consequences. Try not to move too much, and do scream as loudly as you wish. I don't believe in wasting anaesthetic on test subjects." The pain that followed was unbearable.

After that first time he cut me open, and sewed me back together so many time I lost count. Sometimes he and the other men would just attack me. Hit me nonstop. Just to see how long I would last. He liked me, he would say, I was special. He never told me why.

I am terrified, I wished I could die on that table, so I would never have to go through the pain. The worst pain isn't even my own. It's that of the other children. I could never unhear their screams. Their lives that were lost could never be replaced. I can't understand how these people can do this to us. I am in a constant cycle of any sort of pain...

"(Y/n) please wake up! please!"

I flicked my eyes open.

"Shit..." Lyon sighed in relief. He was sitting across from me in the grass. His dropped his arms from my shoulders, that he had been previously shaking lightly. "I thought you weren't going to wake up that time... Don't scare me like that."

I sat there unable to say a word. I was panting, and felt like I couldn't stop. Why? I thought. Why does my past still haunt me? I felt my self start to tremble more. I cried quietly.Will these memories ever go away? I'm trapped...

Lyon frowned "Hey, it's ok." He moved to sit next to me, and put his arm around me, and then practically pulled me into his lap. "Your safe now. I'm not gonna let anything hurt you ok?" He whispered.

I nodded. After only a short while, I started to calm down. My trembling stopped, and I didn't feel so afraid anymore. I felt slightly... Comfortable. "I'm sorry." I chocked out. "You must be sick of me always crying on you. I'm so pathetic." I wiped away my tears as I eventually stopped crying.

"No you aren't." He replied. "As cheesy as it sounds, It's ok to cry sometimes."

"But you must be sick of it by now. Especially since I've never even given an explanation." I sniffled.

"I said it once and I'll say it again, if you ever come to me for comfort or support I won't push you away. No explication needed." He sighed.

"But why?" I asked giving him a confused expression. "Why are you so willing to help me?"

"Well..." He paused, and I swear I saw his cheeks redden. "b-because I-" he was cut off.

"Oooooooh!" We heard the familiar voice of a little blue cat say as he flew above us. "Look who's getting all lovey dovey!"

I felt my face burn as I jumped away from Lyon. "Happy! We most certainly are not!"

"Geez there you are." Gray said as he and Natsu walked up to us. "Levy hadn't seen you all day. We were worried. Why didn't you tell us where you were."

"Natsu guess what?!" Happy said teasingly.

"Stay quiet if you value your life cat!" I yelled at him.

"Ah!" He yelled and hid behind his dragon slayer. "She's just as scary as Erza."

"So...What did happened here?" Gray asked smirking at Lyon.

"Nothing!" I replied. "I was taking a walk, and fell asleep here."

"And I was coming back from my mission. I saw (y/n) and woke her up." Lyon added.

"That's all that happened." I said sternly glaring at happy.

"Alright geez, than why are you all acting so weird?" Natsu asked putting his arms behind his head. "Let's just get back to the guild."

I sighed as we started to walk back. I couldn't stop thinking about Lyon... What was he about to say?

Hey guys! Hope you like the new part. Omg guys!!! 10K READS?!?!?!?! Thank you sooooo much! I love you all! Vote and comment, bye!

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