Part 18: Happiness

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Hey guys! You will probably like this chapter. that's all I have to say. XD idk even I runout of stuff to say sometimes.

/your p.o.v./

It was the next afternoon, after I had rested up, and felt a lot better. Erza said that we were all going to  the new local pub to celebrate my new victory. I wasn't sure if it was safe for this guild to be drunk and in public, but I agreed anyway.

"How are you feeling (y/n)?" Erza asked me as we were walking to meet the rest of our friends at the pub.

"Fine." I replied.

"Are you happy?" She asked. "Being a member of Fairy Tail that is? Are you happy here?"

"Yeah." I replied smiling contently. "The happiest I've ever been, I think."

"I'm glad you feel that way." She smiled approvingly.

"I'm also scared..." I admitted my smile flattening. "Scared about how long it will last... Every time I've ever been happy, something happens to take it away." I paused and stopped walking. "B-but I don't want to be taken away from you guys. I-I love Fairy Tail." I felt tears well up in my eyes. The thought of something ruining my happiness here, is scarier than anything I've ever been through. Suddenly I felt someone's arm go around my shoulder.

"You don't have to worry about that." Erza smiled down at me. "We aren't going to let anything happen to you or any other member."

I smiled, and we stared down the street again. "Thanks Erza." I smiled. "I like it when you let your guard down a bit, and show your soft side."

She looked surprised at the comment, but then laughed softly. "Really? Perhaps I'll show it more often."


Latter into the night, like expected, most members were drunk, and going crazy. I sat at the bar, and laughed at the bar tender's overwhelmed expression. I sipped my drink, and Lyon sat down next to me.

"You aren't drunk?" He asked.

"No, not this time." I replied.

"Thank gods..." He muttered.

"What?" I asked.

"Oh- uh nothing." He replied.

I rolled my eyes. "Did you want something?"

"Yes actually." He replied. "I'd like to train you."

"Train me?" I asked in confusion.

"Yes to become better at ice magic." He replied. "You need a better way to defend yourself, and your performance with your ice abilities so far is terrible."

"Gee thanks asshole." I muttered sarcastically. He's just being his cold self.

"We'll start tomorrow, ok?" He asked, but it sounded more like a demand. "In the east forest."

"Yeah whatever." I sighed. I took another sip of my drink. Then we started to chat causally.

Some other random customer sat next to me. I glanced at her not paying much attention.

"Geez." She suddenly spoke up, getting my attention. "I know I've aged a bit, but you think you'd recognize me."

I took a closer look, and then widened my eyes in utter shock. "Lilah?!" I literally jumped out of my stool, and tackled her onto the ground in a hug. She laughed the whole way down. "I can't believe it! You're safe! I missed you so much!" I felt tears of joy prickle at the edges of my eyes. I refused to let her out of my tight embrace.

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