Chapter thirteen: Tough

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*time skip>Week Before Christmas break*

~Jake's POV~

There's one more week until winter break, one more week until the school is holding the school dance. This is going to be jolly!

Dirk, Jane, Roxy, and me are all going together. I can't wait. Dirk and I both have handsome black tuxes. He has an orange tie, and I have a green one. Jane is going to have this gorgeous blue dress, Roxy has a matching neon pink one.
My friends are stunning.

There hasn't been much to do during this week of school. Testing...  Our VERY AWFUL TESTING over. So we didn't have any work to do. I did wonderful on my report card though.  Straight A's!!!!
I got to school with Jane, meeting up with Dirk and Roxy.
Roxy, who's largely chatty, offered a greeting.
"HEEEEEEEEEEYYYY~ PARTAAAY PEEPS!" At this point I'm guessing she was intoxicated. "wanna go to a PARTY Toniiight?!"
Jane answered, unsure. "Who's party exactly?"
She 'booped' the three of us each on the nose. One at a time.
Now there's no doubt she was drinking.  I guess Dirk noticed too.
"What the f*** were you drinking?"
"Just straight Vodka?!" Jane almost yelled.  Roxy nodded.
"Go home Roxy." Dirk insisted and we all nodded. "Just go tell the principal that you're not feeling well. Come back when you're sober."
We all escorted her to the office, almost missing the bell.

SCHOOL WENT ON FOREVER. Like how is that even possible that six hours can feel like a hundred? Anyways, I'm so glad because now it's over. And I only have 2 more days left. Thursday, and Friday. Let's hope nothing goes wrong.
After school, Dirk walked me home because Jane had something to do and he didn't like going home for some reason.

As we were walking, I noticed that Dirk had been covering up his wrists a lot more since the incident. I knew something was up.
"Are you alright?"
"Yeah... I'm fine..." I knew he wasn't fine. So, I stepped in front of him as we were walking, which made him stop, and hugged him. He hugged me back, I could feeling him trembling. On the verge of tears.
He always acted so tough. Like nothing was ever wrong. And I guess something inside him just broke. I'm glad that he could trust me. And show me who he really is. Because I love him just as much.

He let go and took my hand, we continued to walk.
"I love you." He says. And I answer very truthfully.
"I love you too."

*time skip>The next day*

Okay, I've got today and tomorrow until Christmas Break. I'm ecstatic. Half way through the day, everything was going absolutely dandy. And then, some jocks came around. I rolled my eyes at the sight of them and tried to walk away.
"Hey f*ggot! Come back" I heard numerous times.
They followed me.
"Go away!" I almost screamed at them.
"Aww c'mon little Brit, let's play!"
That's when the one in the front punched me across the face. The other kicked my stomach. And the rest just punched and kicked and what not until I couldn't move. I felt awful.
The principal had wandered by after the jocks had left and the 4th period bell had rung. He called the nurse in but I can't recall what happened after that.

I woke up at Jane's house. In my room. I looked over at the clock and it was 9 PM already. Had I really slept that long? I tried to move my arm to grab my phone on the bed stand but it was bloody painful and caused me to grunt in pain. I heard Jane rushing in.
"Jake! You're up!" I nodded wearing because it hurt to talk.
But somehow I managed to muster out.
"...w...what h" I coughed. "Hap...pened?"
Jane sat at the end of the bed, careful not to hurt me.
"Some dumb jocks beat you up. They're gonna be suspended. You managed to get some pretty awful injuries but nothing too serious."
I nodded again. And weakly, I said. "So I....guess I-I'm not" I coughed again. "...going to the dance?"
She shook her head. I sighed.
"But Dirk, Roxy, and I decided to stay here tomorrow and hang out with you."
I coughed. "You don't....have to."
"The plans have already been made, no arguing, get some sleep." I nodded and she began to leave.
"Tha- thank you Janey" I smiled weakly and drifted off to sleep.

Hey! Merry Christmas everyone! How's everyone's holiday season going?
Good I hope?
Well, I was wondering, which perspective do you guys like better? Dirk, or Jake. Because I'll try to do more of the favourited one. So if you could tell me, that'd be awesome!
Have a happy holiday season!
-_GG_ <3

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