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It had been nearly a week since we heard Courtney's strange sayings and we still couldn't figure out why she was going on her own or how she was gonna make me regret it. All we knew is that she had something that was gonna make me regret it in store and that she was going to solo it. A few more days passed. I was beginning to give up on it. Everything was going back to normal. She didn't have anything in store for us. We were just a group of regular campers at a regular summer camp. It was an ordinary Thursday morning. I was dressed up in a casual blue t-shirt, blue jeans, and some mismatched socks. My friends and I were getting ready for Evelyn to come at 6:30 to do warm ups before breakfast. Kenny was on the couch, relaxing. Martin was combing out his hair. Jojo was sitting next to Kenny, chewing some gum.
"I wonder when this big prank will come," Martin commented randomly.
"Oh yeah. I almost forgot about it," Jojo said.
"Me too. Maybe she gave up," I said, putting in earrings.
"Ehh I don't think cabin 6 would give up at this stage of the game," Kenny said.
"Or maybe they got caught," Martin said.
"But they would've talked to us if they got caught," Kenny said.
"I dunno. I guess," I agreed, sitting down and untying my shoelaces.
"Maybe it's an intimidation tactic," Jojo suggested, "Keeping us in suspense like this."
"That could be it," Martin agreed.
"Leighanne! Stop it!" Kenny shouted. I froze.
"What?" I asked confusedly.
"The bottom of your shoe! There's thumbtacks in it!" He said, pointing to my shoe. I pulled off my shoe. Along the toe of it, there were several flat, silver thumbtacks in the toe of the underside of the shoe. I ran my hand slowly across the inside of my shoe and felt a few pricks along my fingers at the toe of it. I pulled out my hand and one of my fingers was bleeding a little bit.
"She wanted me to step on these thumbtacks!" I half shouted.
"Not just you," Martin said, pulling off his shoe, "There's some in mine too. Luckily my soles in these hiking books are too thick."
"There's some in mine as well," Jojo said, "I just haven't put on shoes yet."
"Same," Kenny said, "Now it makes sense. It was small enough for her to do on her own and it was supposed to make us regret it."
"She's taken this way too far," Jojo said, "These were all supposed to be jokes from the beginning. Sure, they got more serious, but this is practically sadistic."
"I can't believe it at all," I said, "I mean I knew Courtney was mad at us, especially me, but I didn't think she'd be angry enough to try to physically hurt us all."
"Same here, Leighanne," Martin agreed, "We can't let this slide. We have to revenge of course, but we have to do something so big that it's still a good revenge without making an attempt to physically injure them."
"I am in agreement with that," I said, "I think we should use the rest of the prank kit to make the hugest, most epic prank we can! If that's okay with you of course, Jojo."
"I'm gonna need to restock it, but I think it will be worth it. Thus, I...Johanna Katherine Ellis, will gladly donate all of my prank kit to the cause," Jojo said, standing up.
"Great," I said, "Grab it and let's see what's in it." Jojo walked to our bedroom and came back with the prank kit.
"We did not use it as much as I thought we would," Kenny said.
"Yeah," Jojo laughed, "But oh well. We're gonna use it all now." Jojo emptied the big ziploc bag onto the floor.
"Sour candies, silly string, shaving cream, super glue, a few boxes of pop its, and the three cans of tuna," I counted out, "Not as much as I thought, but it works."
"And water balloons," Kenny said, coming out of the closet, "I wonder why they have water balloons in the middle of Oregon."
"That's pretty swish," Jojo said.
"Good word, Jojo," Kenny said, "If anyone has any epic ideas, speak out."
"We could kinda make multiple small pranks instead of one large one," Martin suggested, "Then it could be more simple and spread out."
"I like it. And we could kinda remake the pop its prank and the spicy water prank to add to our surprise," I added, "I mean our pranks have all been in different places. We've done them outside, by the campfire, in the girls room, in the bathrooms, in the spigot. They won't expect us to do any more pranks in those places. So they'll least expect pranks in those areas which will add to the surprise element. And they'll be so confused and maybe they'll look for other pranks and run into new ones in that process."
"Okay maybe that's a bit overly imaginative, Leighleigh, but it's good," Jojo said, "We can put the sour candies in the spigot again and the pop its under the welcome mat. And maybe with the tuna, we can smear it somewhere they won't notice it but will touch sooner or later."
"We could put shaving cream in the sinks and super glue in their socks or shoes!" Kenny said.
"Like in Matilda," Jojo laughed, "Ooh! We could put the tuna and the shaving cream like their soap or hair products or whatever."
"Noice!" Martin said, "We could silly string their bathrooms or their shower house."
"I love this plan," I said, "It's like simple pranks that will be pretty funny at the same time."
"Me too," Jojo said, "Evelyn will be coming soon so let's hide those water balloons and this stuff and finish getting ready." I helped bag up the prank kit and I pulled out the thumbtacks from my shoes.


It's Annie.

What's up guys?

I have no idea what to say...

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