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Hello it's Annie and I created this book as a school language arts assignment. We all went through the whole process most writers go through when writing novels. We wrote the biggest draft we could, got peer editor advice, applied that advice, edited ourselves, and finally turned in parts of our novel that we liked for our teacher to grade. When I was done, I wanted my family to read it, but I am VERY awkward about sharing my work with my family, especially when they praise it and when my parents share it with their friends. You guys have no idea how awkward it is. NO IDEA! So I compromised and let them have their own accounts they could use to follow me and read my work as long as they didn't praise me to my face. A few of you also read it. Well, maybe more than a few of you, actually. I have not 5 reads, not 10, not 20 not 60 reads, but a grand total of 37 reads! Yeah, 37! It doesn't seem like much, but it's a lot to me! Thanks for reading and have a happy 2016!

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