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Third person POV

Dan stepped outside his house on a rainy winter morning; he placed his hands in his pockets seeking for warmth to avoid the cold air that was biting through his slim fingers. If there was any word that would describe the weather on that particular morning it would be Gloomy and strangely enough the weather seemed to match his mood.

You're probably asking yourself, why? Why is Dan feeling this gloomy and nervous?'s a long story.

Dan has a disease, a disease that affects his daily life and makes it hard for him to fit in with the rest of society, this particular disease makes everyone alienate him, Dan is left out of every activity and often feels very lonely... he is yet to experience what most people his age do, hell, I mean he has never had a true friend apart from his mother, who at the moment is probably the only person who cares about him (well at least this is what Dan thinks),most people think Dan is a freak, that he doesn't deserve to live, that he is a burden in his mother's life(even though his mother thinks Dan was a blessing)...and the worst part is, that Dan agrees with them.

He believes every word that they tell him, every name that others have called him; he believes that he deserves to die...the problem is Dan can't bring himself to do kill himself, to hurt his mother like that, she has suffered enough.

The disease that started all this pain and all this suffering is what the doctor's call

Paranoid schizophrenia

It's quite a common type of schizophrenia, but Dan's is slightly different... instead of having visual hallucinations he has auditory hallucinations (he hears things, he hears voices inside of his head) and usually the voices are quite negative, this caused severe depression and anxiety to take over most of his life, he has lived with this disease for 18 years now and in those 18 years of his life he has never had any friends or been what people consider to be 'normal'.

But Dan has gotten used to his so called 'life'.

Dan was born in Wokingham and lived most of his life there, however a few months back his mother found out that he was being bullied at his school Dan didn't tell this mom what was happening because he didn't want to worry her...this is until it got too out of hand and his teachers informed his mother of what was going on. So she then decided they were going to move and give Dan a fresh start...they moved to the city of Manchester and this was a huge change for Dan, new school, new house but most importantly a new least that is what he thought.

To protect himself Dan decided to keep his disease a secret...however this was going to be a difficult task because even though there was a large evolution in medicine people would notice that he was different from the rest when they tried to get to know him better. Not that this was an issue as most people tend to stay away from Dan anyway.

And this leads us to where we left off,

Dan's first day of school...


Hey guys!! So this will be my first story so I hope you enjoy! Sorry for the crappy writing please share with your friends and help me out that would be very much appreciated, love you guys and enjoy this Phan story with lots of special appearances...

This story hits close to my heart as I suffer from depression and anxiety and I have been bullied had moved countries several times so I will be including my personal experiences again sorry if i upset anyone or anyone find this book triggering

I hope i didn't offend anyone with paranoid schizophrenia...if i did I'm sorry it was not my intention, and i think this is a very serious condition and that nobody should suffer socially just because they have this condition, again I'm very sorry...

In case any of you were wondering...yes the title of the book was inspired by Troye Sivan's FOOLS honestly it is such a great song and you should all support Troye...and there will be mentions of this song throughout the book...including a special appearance of Troye in this book.

Sorry if this update was a bit short it was a sort of epilogue and i just wanted to set the scene and lay the story out before i really start this story off and i promise the other chapters will be much longer

As for uploading schedule i'm not sure it really depends on how busy i am with school but i will try and update regularly.

Also feel free to leave any advice in the comments or your ideas of what you think should happen next...This is going to be a very emotional book because i love to see you suffer...haha.

Also leave a comment down below telling me what you think we should name Dan's inner voice

Any text in bold will be Dan's inner voice talking

AGAIN thank you so much for taking your time to read this book i hope you enjoy reading it as much as i will enjoy writing it

And i will see you all very soon with another chapter

Bye x                                                                                                                                                 

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