Chapter 9

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Dan's POV


" Right, so...I-I-I wanted to a-apologise, I overreacted when you didn't tell me why you weren't in Maths, It's just, I mean... I care about you so much, and I just wanted to make sure you were ok, I know that you don't really want to talk about it, and I understand, but...sometimes It's better to just let it all out, Dan, you can trust me, I'm not here to judge you..."Phil said

"I-I, I don't know what to say....I mean d-do y-you really care about me that much, I thought you hated me, I thought we would never be friends again, that you would just run away from me, and that I'd never hear from you again..." I stuttered, with hopeful watery eyes.

"I do care about you Dan, more than you could ever imagine...And that's why I want to help you, Please Dan, tell me what really happened and not a made up excuse..." Phil pleaded


I spent the whole afternoon thinking about Phil, the boy with those breathtakingly gorgeous sky blue eyes. Ever since he introduced me to his friends, especially Cat that I cannot stop thinking about the memories and moments that we have shared.


Suddenly Dan broke the embrace and stared right into my eyes, and for a moment I forgot all my problems, just by staring into those delicious chocolate brown eyes.

"Don't ever apologise for showing your emotions, okay? I'm so sorry for everything, And I care about you so much, just, lets promise that next time, we won't keep secrets from each other, as hard as they can be, lets always be truthful" Dan said, his voice caring and loving

I nodded and then we stayed like that for a while, cuddled up on the floor and just staring into each other's eyes.

Brown on blue


Those beautiful blue eyes. The more I thought about him, the more my heart beat sped up, not in a bad way, almost like butterflies.


"Thanks Dan, for always being there when I need someone, I love you" Phil said

LOVE ME?! WHAT? Dan calm down, he didn't mean it in that way, you're just over reacting, and he meant it in the most platonic way possible...right? So why is my heart racing...What's happening?!


I sighed, and got my phone out and stared at his name, the more I stared the more I realised something.

I love Phil Lester.

Everything makes sense now, the butterflies I felt when talking to him, the sparks I felt when touching him, the happiness I felt in general, just with Phil's presence. But now there's one problem. Cat.


"Oh right, I completely forgot, Cat this is Dan, my best friend" Phil said cheerfully, making my heart skip a beat, he said best friend.

"Oh...Nice to meet you Dan, Phil had never mentioned you before..."she said, curiosity clouding her features. I wanted to scream, shout, cry... so many emotions running through me; instead I decided to play along, in her stupid game.

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