Chapter 6

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Play the video on top while reading lyrics for an emotional experience:)

Time skip to Sunday

Phil's POV

The thoughts of my dad clouded my mind, and suddenly I was sucked into memory lane, every good moment that I spent with him, every happy memory flashed through my mind, and with each memory another piece of my heart would break.

(Flashback to 6 year old Philly :D)


It was one of the brightest days I had ever seen, everything was peaceful and the colours of the sky seemed brighter than ever, my daddy had promised he would take me to the park and then maybe we could get some chocolate ice-cream, my favourite!

"Daddy! Come on hurry up! I want to be first on the swings!" I said, super excited that I would be able to spend my day at the park playing with my best friend - my daddy.

"Alright Lion let's go!" My dad said, he picked me up and I got a piggyback ride. He always used to call me lion, it was my nickname...and I loved it.

Soon we arrived at the park and I ran over to the swings eager to be the first person to ride on them. My daddy quickly followed and pushed me while I was on the swings.

"Higher" I exclaimed. "YAY, look daddy I'm flying"

My father giggled and we stayed like that for a few hours, me playing on every ride (the swings, the slide, I even climbed on the monkey bars) and my daddy playing with me.

"Come on Lion lets go get some Ice-cream" My dad said and i excitedly squealed

I chose chocolate ice cream - obviously - and my Dad chose vanilla, we talked for a while and laughed. Then we made a promise that we would be together forever

"Together forever" I asked

"Together forever" my dad promised.


My youth, my youth is yours, tripping on skies, sipping waterfalls

My youth, my youth is yours, runaway now and forever more

My youth, my youth is yours, a truth so loud you can't ignore

My youth, my youth, my youth

My youth is yours.

A waterfall of tears fell from my eyes. All the moments and all the memories of that night came flooding back.



"I'm truly sorry, but there was nothing we could do...He's gone." The doctor told us apologetically.

The pain I felt when hearing those words was unbearable, I just wanted to scream, I wanted to blame the doctor, but I couldn't...

Instead I fell to the floor and broke down into tears, unable to find strength within me to carry on being strong...

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