Chapter 7

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Dan's POV

I wake up startled from another nightmare... lately I have been getting nightmares almost every single night, most of them about losing my Mother or Phil, and also people finding out my two secrets; my schizophrenia and also the fact that I'm gay.

I have know for a long time now, I was 13 when I started questioning my sexuality because i realised I had never felt anything for girls, later on a new guy called Sean moved to my old school and I developed this massive crush on him and his black locks and his muscled body, but he was a jock, he would never notice someone as insignificant as me, or at least that's what I thought.

We ended up in a school project together and one day while we were working he kissed me out of nowhere, I knew then and there that I was gay. Of course the next day he completely avoided me and told the whole school that I was (what he called) a "Faggot". That word pierced through my heart like a shattered piece of broken glass, and after that day, I never trusted anyone again, until of course I met Phil.

I decided to take a quick shower before school, but since I was running late I would have to skip breakfast, not that I minded, lately I haven't been eating much anyway.

After my shower I looked at my reflection in the mirror, I started worrying about Phil's friends, what if they didn't like me, they were probably just like all the other peasants in my school...No, they're Phil's friends, they are probably just as harmless and friendly as Phil himself, but what if they don't like me...?

Who would ever like you...?

                                    You're a piece of SHIT

Worthless faggot...

Then I looked even closer at my reflection, I usually tired to avoid looking at myself, because I knew that I would hate every inch of what I saw; my blemished skin, my bushy eyebrows, my stupid emo hair, my boring dull eyes, my freakishly tall structure and my crooked teeth when I smile.

I quickly ran out of the house, desperate to take the mental image of myself out of my mind, on my way to another boring day at school I decided to listen to Nick Jonas's 'Jealous'.

I don't like the way he's looking at you

I'm starting to think you want him too
Am I crazy, have I lost ya?
Even though I know you love me, can't help it

I turn my chin music up
And I'm puffing my chest
I'm getting red in the face
You can call me obsessed
It's not your fault that they hover
I mean no disrespect
It's my right to be hellish
I still get jealous

'Cause you're too sexy, beautiful
And everybody wants to taste
That's why (that's why)
I still get jealous

I arrive at school, my first lesson is science, I don't hate the subject, but the teacher is one of my least favorites, she can't teach and spends most of our lessons yelling and complaining about certain students who don't respect her, and she usually ignores all the other students that actually want to learn.

My next lesson was citizenship, which in my opinion is a waste of time, so I decided to spend my lesson mindlessly sketching and scribbling random things on a piece of paper to make time go past faster.

My other lessons leading up to lunch were pretty much the same old thing, learning things that I will most likely not need in the future and hearing teachers complain about how much they hate being disrespected by other students.

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