Chapter 13

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Ooh... chapter 13,the unlucky number...but lucky for me anyways, anyone else superstitious like me? 



Dan's POV

 I have decided to tell Phil the truth...

I decided to tell Phil how I feel about him...

How every time I see him I feel butterflies in my stomach, how  I see fireworks erupt inside my mind when we talk, how I want to kiss him all the time and  be able to call him mine, how I want to snuggle up to him in the cold winter nights, how I love his cute laugh and how his tongue sticks out every time he's focused and how much I love his blue eyes staring into mine...

Blue on brown.


I asked Phil to meet me inside our local Starbucks, I thought if i was going to tell him how I felt I'd at least tell him outside to make it more memorable, 5 minutes later he arrived and we ordered our drinks, we decided to sit in the far corner,because we're not about that social life and if I can avoid people and social interactions then I will.

I decided that I'd just get it over and done with, if i took any longer then I'd start having doubts and second thoughts and i'd end up not telling him the truth

Then i confessed....



hope you enjoyed this chapter of FOOLS!

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HAHA these chapters are getting shorter and shorter, but then again I feel like its necessary...

Go watch the video for YOUTH  if you haven't already and support my baby Troye go watch DanandPhilGAMES, AMAZINGPHIL, DANISNOTONFIRE

I'll see you lovelies all soon with another chapter

Bye xxx

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