Chapter 4

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Phil's POV

"Sorry Troye, but I can't tell you, I-I don't want to talk about it...I know your only trying to help, and that your intentions are the best, but I-I can't, I-I'm sorry, I don't want to talk about it right now" I shakily said.

I thought about running away from my problems, again. The truth is that I didn't want to worry anyone, I certainly didn't want to worry one of my best friends Troye with my problems, he probably has his own problems to be dealing with right now, I don't want to be a burden, but I don't think I can carry my burden alone anymore. It's just too much, I need someone who can be there for me, someone who can support me and the truth is that Troye is a great friend, and he certainly would understand and support me if I just told him what is going on...Maybe I should just tell him, I need someone, a shoulder to cry on when things get too unbearable, someone who can understand my actions.

After a long time of pondering, I decided to stop keeping everything to myself; I decided to tell him...

"O-Okay, fine I-I'll t-tell y-you..." I stuttered, nervous about his reaction, but also trying to hold back emotions, as a flashback played through my mind...



As I rushed to the hospital, I started thinking back to all the bright memories we had shared together before all of the problems started, the time when I was having nightmares every single night and they would lay next to me, comforting me while I slept and faced my fears. In the mornings I could smell the beautiful scent of waffles and melted chocolate that they were preparing for me. All the birthdays spent together celebrating as a normal but extremely close family and all the hugs and kisses I had ever received from them.

I arrived at the hospital and rushed in, the receptionist told me I wasn't allowed in, but soon a doctor would update me on their condition

Hours and hours had gone past, every minute going past slower and slower, until it seemed that time was no longer passing by...

Then the worst happened...

"I'm truly sorry, but there was nothing we could do...He's gone." The doctor told us apologetically.


"M-my Father p-passed away, on the f-first day back in school, a few hours after school had ended..." I said, tears streaming down my face, like a never ending waterfall.

Immediately I was met with two arms wrapped around me, hugging me tightly. He didn't say anything and that's exactly what I wanted and needed, someone who was there for me without having to ask any more questions.

We stayed like that for what seemed like forever, him hugging me tightly and I crying onto his mint green jumper, making him drenched in my own tears, but he didn't seem to mind too much and that's when I realised that Troye is such a great friend.

But right now I wanted Dan to be the one hugging me, the one who comforts me in my time of need...Shit! Why do I keep thinking about him in this way, just stop, first of all he doesn't trust you, he is not your friend! You are supposed to hate him... second; you are straight, seriously stop! You can't like him, no, there is no way, and it's just a friendship, yep a friendship, that's all...

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