Chapter 8

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I had to re-publish this chapter due to Wattpad difficulties,if you can read this chapter please tell me in the comments, thank you!

Cat's POV

I met Phil a few months ago, after I moved schools from America, specifically the city of Orlando, Florida. Moving countries is never easy, especially if it is against your will, you see the reason why I moved was because my Father got a promotion, but it involved working in Manchester, so we moved. But moving counties has a lot of consequences, I had to leave everything behind, my friends and family, and I had to rebuild everything from the top, school and friends.

When I first joined this school, I spent every day alone, loneliness is a scary place and I don't wish it on anyone. Then one day I met this beautiful boy called Phillip Lester.

Phil is any girls dream, he has breathtakingly gorgeous blue eyes, full of happiness and energy and he seemed to brighten up the room with just his presence. His hair is jet black, which contrasts with his gorgeous blue eyes, he has a fringe which fits his face, making him undeniably much more attractive and finally he has these pink kissable lips, lips that I want to kiss...

Phil and I got along pretty well ever since we met, we clicked almost instantly, and we have a lot in common from music tastes to favourite movies. As soon as I met Phil I felt a immediate attraction both Physically and mentally and I'm certain he felt it too, he's just too shy to tell me...

I decided to ask him out on a date, and I have everything planned out...

Phil Lester will be mine.



"Philly!" I said as I eagerly ran over to Phil and hugged him tightly.

"Oh Hey Cat! How was your weekend?" Phil said, obviously happy about my presence, It's so obvious he likes me.

"Oh it was boring without you... I missed you, I tried calling you but you didn't answer, I was getting worried" I said, giving him a sly hint about my intentions.

"Oh you did? I probably didn't hear it, sorry." Phil said with an apologetic tone of voice, he then said "I missed you too Cat, sorry we couldn't hang out I was a bit busy"

I then flipped my hair and batted her eyelashes, in an attempt at flirting with Phil, and then I sat on his lap. "Oh its okay, I wanted to spend some more time with you, how about we go get a coffee after school" she said flirtatiously.

"Of course" Phil happily said.


Even though he was still slightly oblivious about my feelings towards him, I planned to make it blatantly obvious that I liked him on our date; I will not give up that easily on Phil.

I was then introduced to Daniel Howell.



"Oh right, I completely forgot, Cat this is Dan, my best friend" Phil said extremely cheerfully.

"Oh...Nice to meet you Dan, Phil had never mentioned you before..." I said, curious to find out more about Dan, he seemed to be bubbling with anger, interesting...

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