Chapter 12

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Dan's POV

I look up at Phil and our eyes lock; we stare at each other's eyes as he keeps talking

" I mean you're just so kind and handsome, you're geeky, funny and cute and sure you have some problems... but who doesn't, and you're eyes, I could stare at them all day, you're so mysterious but you're also an open book, you are the best person I've ever met, with your sarcastic humor and beautiful personality, and your black soul...what I'm trying to say is, just don't ever think you're less than this, you're perfect in your own way" Phil says, as tears threaten to drop from my eyes from all the emotion I'm currently feeling.

I start leaning in and before I know it, his soft lips crash into mine and we are sharing the most loving yet desperate kiss, It's slow and caring, but also fast and needy, my mind is foggy but it's also racing with thoughts, various thoughts some positive and some negative, so many questions left to be answered, but i decide to push all the thoughts away and enjoy the moment.


Suddenly Dan wakes up, with this comes the realization that it was all a dream, he didn't go to a party and  he certainly didn't kiss Phil.

He starts thinking back to the dream and how soft Phil's lips were and how they seemed to fit perfectly well with Dan's,almost like they belonged with each other like they were mean't too be, of course, who believes in that fairy tale crap that kids learn at a young age, true love doesn't exist, at least not for Dan.

True love was invented to give desperate people hope, hope that one day they might find someone,their perfect match, their prince charming...Dan wanted to believe it existed, but deep down he knew it was all a lie

He knew that nobody would ever love him, he knew that nobody cared, he knew that he would be forever alone, he knew that he was a worthless piece of shit,at least that's what everyone tells him...

At that moment tears started falling from Dan's face, sadness, frustration and self pity were all the emotions he felt in that particular morning.

He knew perfectly well that Phil would never feel the same way...

but he still had hope...

Hope that at least he could feel loved  for once in his life.


Hope you enjoyed!

Its short for a reason....

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Byeeee xxx


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