Chapter 11

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Dan's POV

I walked out of my bathroom and Phil once again stopped to stare at me, eyes wide open and the largest grin I have seen in a while

"Wow you look gorgeous" He said, I blushed and hid my face slightly so he couldn't see my huge grin and beet red face, I could tell tonight was going to be amazing.

I then feel a pair of hands on mine and look up to meet Phil's bright blue eyes and his perfectly styled black hair. "Stop hiding from me" He said "You're so cute when you get embarrassed" We then stay like then staring into each other's eyes, I feel so grateful to have found such a good friend like Dan, my first best friend.

I think back to the party and suddenly my head is filled with second thoughts, my breathing starts accelerating and I start feeling claustrophobic, as if there was not enough oxygen in my surroundings. I never liked parties, they always make me feel anxious, not to mention that they are always such a socially awkward experience when you try to stay sober and everyone around you is out of their minds or... busy...

Of course Phil notices my sudden change in behaviour and immediately tries to cal me down with his soothing voice."Dan it's going to be okay, listen, if you don't want, we don't have to go, I'll understand, we could just do something else-" he says

"No, I-its o-okay, I w-want to go, I-it's just that...I-"

"Okay, but if you feel uncomfortable at any time just tell me and we can leave, don't worry, I won't leave you, I promise" And I suddenly feel comfortable by hearing those words

After a few minutes of trying to calm me down, we decide to start heading towards the party in Phil's car, the radio playing a familiar song.

Only fools fall for you only fools

Only fools do what I do, only fools fall

Only fools fall for you only fools

Only fools do what I do only fools fall...


We arrive at the house and FUCK, it was crowded, I physically tensed up slightly and Phil seemed to notice.

"You alright?" he asks, concern clear in his voice.

"Fine" is all I managed to say as we stepped out of the car and walked towards the entrance, tension and dreariness overtaking all my emotions.

We walked down this cream tiled path, that was neatly decorated with colourful flowers that seemed to be resistant to the cold winter, the house was quite large, It was a beautiful white colour on the outside with large glass windows and a lot of plants and shrubbery carefully placed/decorated on the lawn making different shapes and giving the large garden a more homely vibe to it, but at that moment, homely was not the best word to describe the house. As we walked down the path I looked to my right to find a few groups of people, in the far corner, hidden from most people, were the druggies, who had obviously been smoking weed and possibly consuming other, more dangerous and illegal substances, to my right there was a couple making out, quite intensely, which made me feel quite bad for myself, but also kind of lonely. To my right I saw the stereotypical popular girls, bitching about other people and gossiping. There were a lot more people than just this but I couldn't be bothered with that anymore.

Phil knocked on the door and PJ opened it, welcoming us and pointing towards the drinks and giving us a brief tour of the house, he then left us in the kitchen but before he left he said "Have fun you two..." with a playful smirk plastered on his face.

"Uh, um you want a drink" Phil said, desperate to change the subject and make things less awkward.

I didn't usually drink, but I felt very stressed and anxious and I thought that maybe a drink would help, so I agreed and said I'd have whatever he was having, a few moments later Phil retuned with the drinks I took mine and tasted it, I scrunched up my face, that's strong...

"What is this?!" I say, while having a bit of a coughing fit

Blueberry Vodka" Phil says, trying to hold back his laugh.

"It's awful"


A ton of drinks later and I feel a lot more relaxed, not just because of the alcohol but also because I know Phil isn't going to leave me by myself in a party full of strangers, Phil and I decide to go outside and sit on a small two seat outdoors sofa, my head resting against Phil's shoulder and our hands entwined, we seemed to do that a lot lately, holding hands, I guess it just makes me feel secure.

At the moment we were discussing something completely random about a video game that Phil had played recently, the alcohol clearly affecting our brain from functioning properly, when Phil bluntly says "I'm so lucky to have found someone like you"

"Thanks, I'm glad I found such a good friend like you too"

"No, like... You don't understand, I mean before you joined, I felt like something was missing from my life and you filled that void up Dan, You're special even if you don't see it"

I look up at Phil and our eyes lock; we stare at each other's eyes as he keeps talking

" I mean you're just so kind and handsome, you're geeky, funny and cute and sure you have some problems... but who doesn't, and you're eyes, I could stare at them all day, you're so mysterious but you're also an open book, you are the best person I've ever met, with your sarcastic humour and beautiful personality, and your black soul...what I'm trying to say is, just don't ever think you're less than this, you're perfect in your own way" Phil says, as tears threaten to drop from my eyes from all the emotion I'm currently feeling.

I start leaning in and before I know it, his soft lips crash into mine and we are sharing the most loving yet desperate kiss, It's slow and caring, but also fast and needy, my mind is foggy but it's also racing with thoughts, various thoughts some positive and some negative, so many questions left to be answered, but i decide to push all the thoughts away and enjoy the moment.

Carpe Diem




I'm currently on a school break which means MORE CHAPTERS! ( Hopefully...)

Anyways I'll see you soon with another chapter

Bye xx


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