Chapter 3

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Dan's POV

As I grabbed my Black Galaxy and Cat backpack (I know right, so cool), ready for another dreaded day of school, realization dawned upon me, I wasn't safe anymore, they knew, they knew I was different, and now I have the three toughest guys in school on my case. They were going to make my life a living hell, just like last time, just like in my old school back in Wokingham.



"What's wrong Danny boy, going to have another meltdown...why don't you run home and go cry on your mummy's lap" Jordan snarled.

"I always knew you were a freak, Danny boy" Michael insisted.

"You should follow what the voices tell you, go kill yourself, asshole" Jordan said with a bitter tone.

"No p-please, s-s-stop, I-I deserve-" I pleaded

"What? Deserve what? You don't deserve anything Danny boy, you deserve to Die" Jordan interrupted.

I am tired of this place, I hope people change

I need time to replace what I gave away

And my hopes they are high, I must keep them small...


And at that moment I broke down into tears



Sadly I knew everything was true, I didn't deserve anything and I'm probably better off dead, but I can't do it, not yet, I have to try, for my mom.

I took a few deep breaths to try and calm myself down before I reached school, but nothing seemed to be working, so I resorted to my last choice, my medication. I was given these blue pills last week by my doctor, they are meant to be used in a case of emergency, for example if my panic attack didn't ease up, I would take 1 pill to calm myself down, at least that was what the doctor told me, but since I was running late to school I decided to take double the dosage, hoping it would work faster.

And at that moment I only felt one emotion, Numb

And it felt blissful, I had no worries, no struggles and no emotions, it was like pure paradise, I felt nothing. But this feeling of pure numb bliss soon wore out when I got to tutor...


Third person POV

The bell rung and soon everyone had made their way to tutor, all but one person.

The seat besides Phil was still empty and there was no sign of Dan anywhere, Phil sighed. He had given up, he thought Dan hadn't arrived in school yet or worse he thought Dan had moved to another school and it was all his fault, he thought he had scared Dan away and that he would never see him again when suddenly.

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