Chapter 10

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A few days later- Saturday

Phil's POV

It had been a few days since my date with Cat, ever since I found out how she felt about me I had been trying to distance myself from her, I don't want to hurt her anymore than I had already.

Don't get me wrong, I like Cat and she is attractive but I'm not interested in her in that way, it's more of a platonic, just friends feeling, just like me and Dan.

But lately I have been telling myself that far too often, that me and Dan are just friends, almost like I don't believe that myself, but this is unrealistic and I am aware that Dan and I are just friends, and I want to keep it that way, I don't want to lose Dan over some irrational thoughts, like these.

Yesterday PJ invited us all to a party at his house; he basically invited the whole of Year 12, including Dan. At first I wasn't planning on going but I promised Dan I'd go to keep him company since it's his first party and he didn't want to be all by himself in a house he barely knows, packed with strangers.

Lately Dan has been acting a bit odd; he seems to be almost distancing himself from me, I mean we still talk and were still the best of friends, it's just different; before we used to be a lot closer and our friendship was very touchy-feely but now he almost avoids touching me or just simply looking into my eyes when we talk, He's been a lot more distant, and I'm not sure what happened, but I'm going to try and talk to him about it. I just miss us and how our friendship used to be.

I miss him

I decided that since I'm going to a party I would try my best to look good, or at least presentable, so I decided I would style my hair in a quiff and wear some black skinny jeans with a galaxy themed jumper, because even though I was going to a party, It was still freezing cold outside and I didn't want to freeze to death. I stepped into the shower and got ready as fast as possible, because I had promised Dan that I would meet him at his house before we went to the party since he didn't know where PJ's house was and knowing him he'd probably give up on the party idea on the last minute, and I certainly wanted him to go and for once in his life have some fun and forget about all his problems, for just one night.

Once I'm done I rush downstairs and get my keys, even though I still have time, I want to make sure I don't keep Dan waiting. "I sound like I'm about to go on a date, jeez it's not that big of a deal Phil, just calm down" I say to myself, taking a moment to breathe and calm myself down, I then drive over to Dan's house.


Dan's POV

I wake up after taking a nap and look over at my clock. Shit. I'm late. Phil's going to be here any minute now. And with that I pick my clothes and throw them on my bed, I then rush over to my bathroom to take a quick shower, trying to get ready as fast as possible, but still taking my time so that I look at least half decent.

I finally finished my shower and I wrap my towel around my waist looking at the mirror and trying to fix my messy bed hair, I then step into my bedroom to get my clothes an find Phil sat there, eyes scanning my upper body with a slight smirk plastered on his face.

We stay like this for a while just staring at each other, with every second of Phil looking at me, I grow more and more vulnerable and awkward. I cough slightly to get rid of the tension and awkwardness but Phil doesn't seem to notice, he's still staring at me.

I then awkwardly get my clothes off of my bed and run over to my bathroom so I can get changed, I hear Phil laugh slightly on the other side.

"You don't need to be so awkward about it, I'm your best friend you know" He says, "there's no need to be so insecure, you're quite good looking" I then blush, a bright red and I'm glad he can't see me right now.

"Shut up" I reply jokingly.

I should be trying to avoid him, but it isn't working, I just don't get why he's complimenting me when he's clearly not interested in me, he clearly likes Cat otherwise he wouldn't of kissed her, but now that I think about it, ever since their date that I haven't seen them together, not once, that's definitely not normal.

"Hey Phil, what happened between you and Cat, I just haven't seen you two together lately and... I guess, I'm just curious" I asked, which was followed by an awkward silence, just when I was about to take back my question, he started telling me what happened.

(Flashback in Phil's POV)


I pushed Cat away from me, shocked that she kissed me, and also shocked because I didn't realise, that she felt that way about me, am I really that oblivious to everything around me?

"Stop; Get the fuck away from me Cat! Don't touch me! Understood?"

"But Philly, didn't you enjoy that, come on, you can't lie to me, I know you feel something towards me, even if you don't admit it...I'll always be there if you need me, I won't give up on us..."

But before she would finish her sentence, Phil had already left her alone


I finally understood what had really had happened, she kissed him, he only likes her as a friend, and I felt a large rush of relief flood over me, and suddenly my face was plastered with a large smile, I tried to hide it as I walked out of the bathroom, finally satisfied with the way I looked.

I walked out and Phil once again stopped to stare at me, eyes open wide and a large sincere smile.

"Wow, You look gorgeous."


Hope you enjoyed this chapter,


Wow okay I'm so sorry this is late and I haven't been posting chapters, Last week i was Ill and I wasn't very inspired to write, I have also been extremely busy, and just feeling like crap.

These next few weeks are going to be very busy so I'm not going to be uploading regularly, but I'll try and post as often as possible

Sorry if this chapter is a bit shorter and CRAP, I'm having a bit of a writer's block, I've been very busy and I'm also very Ill


On a positive note, this book has reached over 400 reads!!!!!!!!

*Throws mini party and confetti*


Please continue to vote read and comment, I love reading your comments so please comment...

Anyways love you all and I'll see you hopefully soon with another chapter

Bye xxx

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