Chapter 5

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Phil's POV



No! Why me? Mrs Lester had to put me with the one person I didn't want to work with, I mean, I don't hate him, but we haven't really talked since that argument since he's set on ignoring my attempts at fixing our lost friendship, it's just going to be really awkward, but, it might give me a chance to become friends with him again...I just need to have a proper conversation with him and this project will definitely help me with that.

"Class, I want you now to sit in your pairs and work out where and when you will be meeting to do this project, remember, this project is worth 25% of your final grade so work hard and you will be rewarded. Also start brainstorming initial ideas of how you will be presenting your project" Mrs Lester said, and with that Dan reluctantly went and sat in the spare seat next to me.

Minutes had passed and none of us spoke, there was a lingering awkward silence between the both of us as we thought of how we could start this conversation.

I decided then to speak up...

"So... Dan, when do you want to meet up to work on the project?, I'm free most days..."I awkwardly said.

" about Saturday's and Wednesday's after school?" Dan coldly said.

"Oh yeah that would be my house or..." I said

"Your house" Dan quickly interrupted

", I'll just give you my address...there you go..." I then gave him a white piece of paper with my address.

"Thanks" Dan said, and then another long awkward silence followed.

"So...Do you have any Ideas for the project?" I questioned, desperate to gain more reactions from Dan and keep a good conversation between us flowing

"No, not really..." Dan plainly said, destroying any chance of a conversation happening between us.

And that was the end of that conversation.


(Time skip to Saturday)

I sighed as the memory of Yesterday's lesson flashed through my mind, I had just woken up when I realized it was Saturday, and that meant that Dan would be coming over so that we could work on our project together, and after what happened yesterday I'm starting to think that Dan and I might never actually be able to initiate a conversation...which makes this project almost impossible to do in a pair, nonetheless, I'll attempt to fix this friendship.

I searched through my dark brown closet only to find a rainbow of bright colors; I decided to pick the darkest jumper I owned as a symbol of respect and love to my father. I rarely ever wore black clothes and I certainly didn't like the fact that they were so dark and gloomy, it made me feel worse...But at this time wearing bright colors felt like I was disrespecting my dad's memory...

After I showered and got dressed, I went downstairs to eat some breakfast, normally my mom would be making pancakes or waffles, but lately all she does is lay in her bed and sleep and when she isn't sleeping she's silently weeping in her room...I understand her, sometimes all I want to do is cry my eyes out... but I've decided I'll stay strong for my mother and my friends...I just miss him so much, I wish he was here...

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