Chapter 14

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Play the song while you read


However this is the last chapter, I was planning to add more but I have decided not to continue with this story, thank you for all the support you have given me!

P.S. I many or may not be currently writing another Phan fic but more details of that will come later on, however, i will not start it until I have written it or nearly finished

Sorry about the emotional ending...

love you all so much


10 years time

As Phil stepped into the beautifully decorated church, he took a moment to stare at his surroundings. The walls were covered in a pure white color, throughout the church, there were  dark brown wooden pillars, with detailed carvings of swirls and patterns, and matching wooden benches all perfectly aligned, the ceiling was covered in mosaic drawings of different saints and gods, everything was perfectly placed. The room was decorated with a variety of different flowers with bright colors.

However, Phil felt the exact opposite.

Phil was heartbroken, everything around him was black, everything around him was dark, everything around him was broken, just like Phil. who could have ever imagined that Dan and Phil would end up like this, never could Phil imagine that 10 years after he first met dan, the mysterious boy who held a lot of secrets and had a broken heart, he would be here in this dark church, staring back at dan's lifeless body, trapped within a coffin.

Death sounds painful, but peaceful all at the same time. Life is fragile, life is precious, in a blink of an eye everything can go dark, and you can finally achieve peace. But funerals, are for the living, not for the dead, funerals celebrate the life that one once had. A life that changed Phil's life forever.

Phil looked at his bear, tears brimming at his eyes, he looked so peaceful like a sleeping angel, Phil's sleeping angel.

Goodbye is the hardest thing someone can do, but  death is never a goodbye, it's a see you soon. Phil never got to say goodbye, but he didn't need to, Dan would remain in Phil's heart and memory forever, frozen in his best moments and his worst too.


As Phil looked into Dan's beautiful chocolate eyes, he realized how much he loved Dan, how much he loved the boy whom once had a broken heart and lived a life full of secrets . He kissed him lovingly and rested his head against Dan's chest.

" I love you so much bear" 

" I love you too"

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