Harry Imagine

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"Hey that's cold!!", Harry yells as the snowball you threw hits his back.  

You run away from him, giggling and screaming. His crunchy footsteps give away that he's close behind you. Your breath is coming out in short pants as your body begins to become tired. That's when Harrys strong arms wrapped around you from behind and you were lifted into the air.  

"Gotcha", he said, pride clearly in his voice. He let you down gently and you spun around to face him. His lips were red from the cold and his breath was shown as puffs of steam escaping his mouth, his green eyes were sparkling with joy and he was grinning down at you.  

"You just started a war (Y/N), be prepared for defeat" 

"Sorry Harold but I think I'll be the victorious one", you gave him a cheeky wink and turned to start making snowballs.

After about 10 minutes of you and Harry making snowballs on opposite sides of the yard you heard Harry yell. "On the count of 3!! 3. 2. 1!!" 

You quickly grab a snowball from your pile and run across the yard, Harry was hiding. As quietly as possible you search the yard. Unfortunately, the impact your steps were making in the snow made it pretty clear where you were. You were bending down to see if you could see his feet anywhere when all of the sudden you felt a sharp pelt of coldness on your back, and heard the sound of Harrys chuckle. When you turned around all you saw was him running away, in search of his snowballs.

The snowball war lasted for around 30 minutes before you were the only one left with a snowball. Before you could even look around to find Harry he emerged from behind a tree with his hands up.  

"I surrender babe, you win", he said smirking.  

"If only it were that easy Harry. I still have one left, and it's best I don't let it go to waste" 

He sighed and lowered his hands, inching closer and closer to you, until he stood no more then 2 inches away and had his arm wrapped around the small of your back. He slowly raised his other arm up to your face and brushed his thumb along your cheek, leaving a tingling sensation.  

"Your beautiful (Y/N)" 

You smiled up at him and attached your lips to his. Your lips moved in perfect harmony and created a warmth between you two. Your hands were around his neck, one of your hands still grasping a snowball. You squished the snowball above Harrys head, letting the cool ice fall on his hair. Backing away from the kiss you smirked to yourself.  

"I win", you said, holding back a laugh, caused by Harrys expression.  

"Well played dear" 

"Thank you", you replyed sweetly, flashing him a grin.  

Harry just shook his head and smiled. 

"I love you (Y/N)", he said smiling. 

"Love you too Harry", you smiled back.

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