Niall Imagine

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The pitter patter of the raindrops falling upon the rooftop, the crackle of the brightly lit fire, and his heartbeat. These were the only sounds that filled your ears, and you were okay with them being the only sounds you ever heard, because in the moment, everything was perfect. A stillness lingered about the house, and the heat from the fire radiated into your body, keeping your insides warm and your skin hot to the touch. Nialls strong embrace kept you snuggled to his body and the feel of his fingertips brushing up and down your back sent tingling chills through your body. One of your legs was entangled with Nialls, while you lay beside him, wrapped in his protective and loving hold.  Your head layed on his chest, alowing you to hear his steady heartbeat and feel the movement of his breathing with your hand placed on his stomach.

It was a cold winter day outside, the air was acting as ice, and you and Niall decided to stay in for the day. You spent the whole afternoon watching silly cartoons and romantic movies. But as it got dark you found yourselves laying on the couch, not a word said between you too, just the touch of eachothers bodies and the sounds of the rain and fire. The two elements that are destined to collide, but at the time were two things that harmonized with eachother so perfectly, it was like magic.

"Settle down with me, cover me up, cuddle me in, lie down with me, hold me in your arms. Your heart's against my chest, lips pressed to my neck, I've fallen for your eyes, but they don't know me yet", Niall began to softly sing, his sweet melody drifting in the air, like an angels voice. Pure and delicate, soft and sweet.

You smiled to yourself and nuzzled into Nialls chest a bit more. You loved when Niall sang, his voice always gave you goosebumps and soothed you. Whenever you couldnt go to bed he would start singing, causing your body to relax and your mind to be sent into a trance, easily putting you to sleep.

"Kiss me like you wanna be loved, wanna be loved, wanna be loved", after those words Niall slowly ducked his head down to meet yours, placing a kiss on the top of your head.

"This feels like were falling in love, falling in love.", Niall whispered the last line, "I love you (Y/N)", he said in hushed tone.

You lifted your head up to look at him, smiling bigger then you ever had, and looked him dead in the eyes. Looked directly into his beautiful blue eyes that seemed to captivate you everytime, the twinkle they held expresssed Nialls personality perfectly. Happy, kind, and young at heart. 

"I love you too Niall", you whispered before leaning in and connecting your lips with his. Feeling his soft lips moving in sync with yours sent fireworks through your body. It was a quick kiss but so much emotion was behind it that it left you both practically breathless.

You layed back down to your previous position and started tracing circles on Nialls chest as he did the same to your back. You listened to the pitter patter of the rain and the crackle of the fire, until you both fell asleep.


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