Liam Imagine

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"Brrrrr", you mumbled as you sat in your sleeping bag, waiting for Liam to enter the tent. You were gaining more and more goosebumps by the second. Your bare legs and arms becoming the target. To try to contain heat you prop up your knees and wrap your arms securely around them, resting your head on top of your knees. The zipper of the tent slowly moves upward, the thin door that was enclosing you from the outdoors dropped to the ground. You peer up to see Liam hunched over, maneuvering his way into the tent. 

As he turned to zip up the tent you could see the hair rising on his arms, signalling the shared coldness between you too. It was understandible though, seeing as you and Liam both wore just a tanktop and shorts to bed. Your eyes stayed glued on his figure as he made his way towards you, now crawling along the tent floor. When he got inches away from you he leaned in close, pecking your nose and whispering, "Sorry it so cold babe."

"Its alright", you breathed out, giving him a small smile.

He smiled back, autimatically making your insides turn and the same butterflies that entered your tummy this first time you saw him return.

Liam crawled into his sleeping bag and propped his head up with his hand, leaning his eblow against the pillow beneath him. His other arm snaked around your body and pulled you closer. You laid your head down onto your pillow and snuggled into Liams body. Your sleeping bag was trapping some heat for your legs but your arms still held goosebumps and your hands were freezing. Liams arm left your waist and gently brushed up and down you arm, making your bumps dissapear, then did the same to your other arm. He grabbed both you hands and rubbed them before leaning his head into the crook of your neck and kissing it tenderly, his hot breath fanning over your skin, making your body shiver. His soft lips trailed up to your cheek leaving another loving kiss, creating heat all along your neck and face. Your body felt warm and tingly, pressed against Liams, safe and protected. 

"I love you so much (Y/N), goodnight love", Liam whispered in your ear.

"I love you too Liam", you whisper.

With those words said, you fell asleep, sharing the warmth between eachother.

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