Liam Imagine

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"Don't be nervous (Y/N), its all gonna be fine. He loves you.", You gave youself a quick pep talk, while evaluationg your looks in the mirror. You ran your hands down your white dress and enhaled deeply, exhaling slowly.

"Are you ready (Y/N)?", You dad asks you through a cracked open door, giving you a small smile of reassurance.

You reply with a small nod and smile, making your way to the door and linking arms with your father. Step by step down the carpeted hallway, your breathing gets faster and your heart beats harder, aching  for the comfort of his presence. With the push of a large wooden door, all eyes were on you.  The stares of friends and family members only making your body tremble. Then you look across the aisle and see the body that your dying to reach but are only inching closer to him by the second. You see his chocolate brown eyes look up at you and his mouth turn up into a grin. Just the sight of him put you at ease, and the clutch of your fathers arm, tightly entangled in yours is helping calm you.

You reach the alter and your breath hitches, as your dad leaves your side, and you immediatly find your gaze fixated on the beautiful boy in front of you. Liam faces you, right across from you, not even 2 feet away. Thats when it all felt right, you knew you loved Liam and you knew you wanted to spend the rest of your life with him.

"Liam do you take (Y/N) to have and to hold, till death do you part?"

"I do", Liam says, making your whole body fill with joy.

"And do you (Y/N) take Liam to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, till death do you part?"

"I do", you say with confidence you didnt know possible.

Just like that your dreams came true, Liam was your husband and you sealed it with a loving kiss that sent sparks through your whole body, just like everytime Liam touched you. He took a hold of your hands and rubbed his thumbs along the tops of them. "I love you so much (Y/N)", he said in a hushed tone. With that, you two walk down the aisle hand in hand, smiling so much it hurt, with the roar of people cheering around you.

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