Harry Imagine

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"UP, UP, AND AWAY!", Harry yells as he pulls the swing back then pushes it forward. His smile is wide, dimples indenting his cheeks, and eyes crinkled. The twinkle in his eyes was bright, making the emerald green orbs even prettier then ever. 

"Woohoo!", he says, raising his arms in the air and looking up to lock eyes with you. 

You were across the yard, sitting on your deck, drinking tea in the morning sun. You smiled at Harry and he smiled back, biting his lip then swiping his tongues across it. You two shared a moment before Harry returned to playing with Darcy, your guys daughter. You chose to sit back and admire Harry, his childish ways being perfect to be a dad. He was always so sweet and gentle, caring and loving. Darcy was a daddys girl and Harry loved it, he spent every minute he could with her. 

Darcy giggled as she ran towards you, arms out wide. You set down your tea and opened your arms, embracing your lovely daughter in a hug. 

"Cmon mommy, play with us", she said smilng.

You got up and smiled, taking Darcys small hand in yours, walking towards Harry who was coming in your direction.

"Cmon daddy!", Darcy yelled.

Harry ran over to you guys, laughing and smiling, gazing down at Darcy with loving eyes. Darcy took ahold of Harrys hand, placing herself inbetween you two. You and Harry looked at eachother and smiled, Harry sent you a wink and you caught on. You both let go of Darcys hand and ran across the yard, looking back to see Darcy laughing and yelling "Come back". Harry slowed down to a jog, allowing Darcy to tag him, "Your it daddy", she says, running away from him. Harry looked at you laughing, and shrugged his shoulders. Before you knew it Harry was running after you full speed. 

"Ahh Harry!", you screamed, running away. Harry caught up to you in no time and came up behind you, picking you up and placing you on the ground. His body was hovered over you, his perfect smile still on his face. His fingers pinched into your sides, making you burst out in laughter. He continued tickling you until Darcy jumped onto him and he stopped his actions towards you. You looked at Harry and whispered, "1,2,3". You bothed latched onto Darcy, tickling her, causing her to wriggle about, laughing and grinning.

Harry, You, and Darcy. You were a family and that was never going to change. Everything was perfect and you spent your days with your handsome husband and lovely daughter. It was all you needed. You were more then content with your life. You were happy. You loved it.

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