Niall Imagine~ Requested

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You saunter out of the girls locker room, slinging your bag over your shoulders and adjusting your leggings. P.E was always one of your favorite classes, not because of the exercise but because all your friends are in it and all you do is hangout… your lovely crush just happens to be in it as well.

                Almost every girl in the school has an eye out for Niall, but he hardly notices. He is friendly to everyone, especially girls, but not in the usual high school player way, he’s just genuinely kind to them. That’s what makes it harder having a crush on him, thinking you have no chance. That doesn’t keep you from daydreaming about him in biology or ‘accidently’ bumping into him in P.E though.

                He’s not too tall, not too short, not too skinny, not too big. Lucky for me, the guys play shirts verse skins during basketball season so I’ve seen his toned, pale skin on several occasions. Niall has small freckles scattered across his neck and face, barely noticeable unless you spend the time looking for them. A smile is never not held elegantly on his face, bellowing laughter tumbling out of his slightly thin lips. His baby blue eyes keep the girls staring at him with heart eyes and a pounding chest.  Todays your last day being a sophomore, and your still caught up on the same guy who helped you out on your first day as a freshmen.

              “Shit”, you mumbled, rifling through the stack of papers you were handed before school started. You tried to find one with a map of some sort on it but failed as another bell sounded off throughout the hallways and the last few people standing in the quad somberly headed to class.

                “Need help?” a males voice sounded from behind you.

                You turned quickly, meeting his sparkling blue eyes, your voice caught in your throat.

                “Uhm, I don’t know where the music room is, and Im pretty sure two bells just went off in the last five minutes, which at my school meant an earthquake drill was about to happen, but I don’t feel the ground moving, and now everyone is gone and these papers the principal gave me aren’t really that helpful no matter how much he thinks they are, and I-“, you rambled on to the boy.

                “Hey”, he interrupted you, placing his hands on your shoulders, “Deep breaths”, he chuckled

                “Sorry”, you flushed, avoiding his gaze.

The boy smiled and took his hands off your shoulders, reaching one out in front of him, you grasped on to it.

“Niall”, he smiled.

“Felicia”, you smiled back.

“I’ll show you where it is”, the boy let go of your hand and tilted his head in the direction he began to walk in.

“So, Im guessing, well hoping really, that you’re a freshmen?” he asked you as you two walked through the empty campus

“Yeah”, you laughed lightly, “and you?”

“Sophomore”, he smiled again, making your stomach flutter.

“Music room is right through that door”, he pointed to a blue door with paint chipping off of it, “Good luck”

With that the boy left just as quickly as he came and you carried on your day trying to control your nerves, that is until sixth period when you saw Niall enter the boys locker room just as you were about to enter the girls, and in the moment you swear to god your heart melted and it no longer belonged to you, it belonged to him.

The irony of attending your first day of sophomore year and seeing Niall in your sixth period P.E class once again never goes unnoticed by yourself. Next year your only hope of seeing Niall is in chemistry, but you doubt that will happen. Your two year P.E requirement is finished and you're sad for many reasons, but not seeing Niall is probably the biggest.

“Sorry”, you mumble, so caught up in your thoughts that you bump into a body slightly bigger than yours.

“Just the person I was looking for”, Niall smirks, “last day of P.E together huh?”

“Yeah, I guess you’ll have to find some other girl to kick your ass at basketball”, you tease him and elbow his gut.

“Sure”, he laughs, gripping your elbow lightly and turning you so your back is against the wall of the gym.

“I do think it’s about time I got my balls back from you though”, he laughs, “so Im gonna do something that scares the crap out of me”, he states.

“Oh yeah? What’s that Horan?”, you smile, looking up at him.

He shakes his head, but doesn’t answer before leaning in and connecting his lips to yours. They move in sync, slowly, relishing in the feel and taste of one anothers lips. Sparks and fireworks, chills and electricity, they all rush through your body and you can’t get enough of it. You guys only pull away after you’ve lost all breath, but keep your foreheads touching.

“How does it feel to have your balls back?” you smirk.

“Pretty damn good”, Niall replies, pecking your lips and draping an arm around your shoulder, leading you out of the gym.


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