Louis Imagine

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"Dont spill it!", you yell to Louis who's flailing about, trying to get paint down from the top shelf while on a ladder.

"Got it!", he skrieched, quickly manuevering himself off of the ladder and placing the blue paint alongside the rest of the colors.

Today you and Louis were going to play with splatter pain so you set up a big canvas sheet on a wall and just finished getting the paints down and open.

"Me first!", Louis shouts, grabbing the bucket of red paint and dipping his whole hand in it, flinging the sticky liquid onto the sheet infront of him. He walked over to you and set down the bucket, you thought he was just coming over to tell you it was your turn...........but you were wrong. His hand slowly rose and his messy finger swiped across your nose, leaving a red stripe. You just grinned in response and leaned in to whisper in  his ear.

"This means war Louis Tomlinson"

He was already running away by the time you dipped your hand in the green paint,

"AHHHHH!", he screamed, galloping across the yard. You couldnt help but laugh, but still planned on getting your revenge. You were running full speed along the grass outside and were finally in a reasonable distance form Louis. You flung the paint as hard as you could, causing it to splatter on Lou's back. It left a big cirlce of green on his shirt, slowly dripping down, trailing to his shorts.

He turned around to face you, his face was in utter horror.

"How dare you get me painty", he said sternly, you only laughed in response and ran back to get more paint. Louis followed you, only he was faster. He reached the paint before you and cupped both his hands in the yellow paint, turning quickly and plopping it on your head. The goo oozed into your hair and onto your back.

"Thats it", you said. You picked up the bucket of blue paint but Louis was already running. This time you weren't gonna go easy. You ran full speed, catching up to Louis in no time.

"Shit", he mumbled, just loud enough for you to hear.

Before he knew it the whole bucket of blue paint was covering him, head to toe. Louis glared at you, but had a smirk played on his face.

"You know babe, I just love you so much, sometimes I just wanna hug you so badly", Louis was  inching closer as you took steps backward. He lunged forward to engulf you in a hug but you ran the opposite way. Unforunatly this time Louis was the one to catch up in no time and you felt the warm paint against your back and his strong arms wrapped around you, lifting you off the ground.

"Louuuuis!!", you screeched. 

All he did was laugh in response, taking you both to the ground, covering you even more in the blue paint. Louis was hovered above you, his legs intertwined with yours, making sure they werent missed by the paint. He leaned down and planted a kiss on your cheek, make a blue splotch on yuor face, but causing you to smile.

"Cmon lets get cleaned up", he said, still catching his breath from running and laughing.

You two sprayed eachother with the hose, cleaning eachother off, then spent the rest of the day laying on the grass. Soaking up the sunlight.

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