Niall Imagine~ Requested

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"Ahhhhhhhhh! No, no ,no", Niall yells, his arms and legs thrashing about, eyes still glued shut.

Sweat is collected on his forehead and his breath is coming out in short pants. You rush over to the bed, climbing on top of Niall and grasping his arms, trying to contain his violent motions. You manage to controls his body, allowing it to rest. 

"Niall, Niall, wake up", you say, urgency in every word.

You shake Niall a bit, trying to get him to escape his nightmare and come back to reality. His eyes shoot open, scared, like a frightened child.

"Babe", he whispers, grabbing a hold of your body and pressing it to his hot and sticky one.

"Im here Niall, Im here", you mumble, burying your face in his neck and placing a soft kiss on it in attempt to calm his rapid heartbeat.

"Thank you Ainsley", he breathes.

"Your welcome Ni"

You two stay like that, wrapped up in eachother, until eventually, you fall asleep.

*Sorry its so short :/

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