Chapter 21: The News

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Justin's Pov.

Lily still won't tell me what her dream was about and I don't know why. It's been three days since that night. We haven't really done much. But we have to go home soon. The field trip that Lily is pretending to be on is almost over. I don't want her to go home. I mean what if something happens to her, I won't be able to protect her for long. Right now me and Lily are out walking the streets. Lily's hand was in mine and her head was on my shoulder. It was weird being so calm when she was in so much danger. We passed by a pastry store "hey Lil, why don't we go in there?" I asked her. She smiled at me and nodded so we headed into the pastry store.

Lily's Pov.

He opened the door for me that went into this delicious looking pastry shop and for the next 10 minutes he kept feeding me different treats that he thought I would like. They were all good. But I couldn't keep my mind off the dream I had the other night. I still haven't told Justin about it even though he keeps asking. I don't really know why I haven't told him. I guess it's just because if I say it out loud it means it actually happened. I don't know...that sounds stupid.

Justin and me are now at our hotel. The T.V. was on and Justin was watching. It was turned to the news. Wait a second. I remember seeing something on the news. Then I remember completely. The little girl. "Hey Justin, do you know a little girl named Sarah?" Justin looked at me confused then he said "yea why?" He was now turned to me and his expression was serious "well, I saw her on the news the other day. She was held hostage by Roderick or whatever his name is." That guy has a lot of names now that I think about it. "Sarah said she knew you. She said that he was coming after her because of you. She even said you were a vampire. Of course the news people thought she was kidding." Justin looked down worried and softly whispered the words "I should have never said anything to her."

"What do you mean Justin?" I asked him but I was interrupted by something on the news "this just in. Remember that little girl we showed from a few weeks ago? Well her kidnapper has been caught and put in jail." In the corner they showed a photo of Roderick. "Now little Sarah is safe." Then it showed a short clip from the interview with Sarah the other week. "Stayed tuned for more news at 11:00" then the news person went away and a commercial went on. That perfect timing for that to come on. Then what he had just said sunk in. Roderick is in jail. I'm safe. I saw Justin looking at me relieved. I ran up to him hugging him as tight as possible. "I'm safe Justin." I could feel him smiling "I know." He said.

Justin's Pov.

I was smiling and saying she was safe but deep inside me I knew something was wrong. It can't be that easy. I wanted to believe it was but it wasn't. Something else is going to happen. As me and Lily were hugging her phone started going off. She stopped hugging me and went over to her phone. I saw her open the message then a confused look washed over her face. Her thumps started typing fast replying to whoever it was then her phone went off again. Lily turned to me with a shocked look on her face "what is it?" I asked. She got up and headed into the bedroom. I walked in after her.

She was packing all her clothes and mumbling something that I couldn't hear. "Lily, what's wrong." She kept packing but she looked up at me for a brief second "the whole field trip got back early and now everyone knows I didn't go. My mom is gonna ground me! Ill never be able to see you again!" I bent down to her and grabbed her chin softy. I held her face up so I could look into her beautiful blue eyes. "It's gonna be ok. You can just tell your friend to maybe lie to your mom and tell your mom that after you got back from your field trip you went to see say hi." Lily nodded at my idea then went back to packing.

I walked over to my bag and started packing too. I don't want this trip to end. I like being here with Lily. It's all just so much happier here. But I guess it is time to go back. And maybe we'll visit again soon.

Lily's Pov.

I have to admit Justin's plan wasn't that good but it was all I had. I mean lying to my my mom? I had already texted Zoe to not tell my mom that I didn't go on the field trip. She was confused but I told her I would explain later so she agreed. I was kinda ready to get out of Paris anyways. I mean I miss home. I love it here with Justin and I love the silence. But honestly, I'm getting kind of tired of all this love crap. I want a break. I still like Justin. I think.

I zipped up my bag then carried into the living room where Justin was already waiting. His outfit made him look really hot and I loved the shades he was wearing. Angela appeared out of no where, grabbed our bags and left without a word. "Well looks like it's time to go." I said trying to look sad. Justin held out his hand "don't worry we'll come back soon." He said. I grabbed his hand and he picked me up bridal style. Everything was blurry for multiple minutes while I clung on to him tightly. I squeezed my eyes shut because it was useless to have them opened.

I felt everything around me still so I opened my eyes. I was back in front of Justin's house. It was so nice being back. Ashley must of seen us arrive because she came running from inside "LILLLY! I'm SOO glad your back! I missed you!" I hugged her then said "I've missed you too!"

Authors note: I'm going to be writing a ton of chapters then ill post them all at the same time so you guys can read a ton. That also means I won't be posting for a while. Sorry :(

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