I honestly can't think of a fitting title; I'm sorry

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Nick slipped a mint into his mouth as he opened his hotel room door for Preston. She walked inside and sat on the end of Nick’s bed. Preston rubbed her hands together and then twisted the ends of her dark brown braid. Nick sat behind Preston and starting rubbing her neck as he saw how tense Preston was. Preston felt relaxed afterwards.

“What’s wrong?” Nick asked and he untied the long braid going down Preston’s back.

“Well the last guy I got close to, we—uh—had sex and then he just dumped me.” Preston nervously said as Nick took Preston’s untied, curly hair and pushed it forward In 2 equal partings. As he put Preston’s hair forward he leaned into her right ear and whispered,

“I’m not him.” He looked into Preston’s eyes to show she could trust him.

“I don’t trust easily, either, but I trust you. You can trust me.” Nick whispered. Preston felt the warm, minty breath that drifted over her cheek as Nick spoke. She looked into his eyes and saw trust. She saw warmth and safety.

Preston put her hands up and reached behind, clasping the back of Nick’s head and she latched onto his curls as she pressed her lips against his. Nick returned the kiss as he grabbed Preston’s waist and moved her further up the bed. They both crawled up the bed, still engaged in a passionate kiss. Nick tossed his guitar onto the floor, breaking a string. He was too busy to notice.

Preston threw Nick’s shirt off his body and onto the guitar. Nick released from the kiss and smiled as he pulled Preston’s top off and casted it across the room and it landed on Nick’s shirt, now making a clump on the—was once clean—floor.

Nick pushed Preston against the wall as he pulled her sheets over the two. Nick felt Preston’s feet by his and she slid his socks off his feet with hers. Preston bit Nick’s lip and unzipped his trousers slowly. She pulled his boxers and trousers off in one go. Nick pressed his body up against Preston’s as they led on their sides, facing each other. They wouldn’t break contact with their lips but as soon as Preston’s skinny jeans were off Nick thrusted and Preston felt Nick as he went inside.

Preston released from the kiss and pulled on Nick’s neck, jilting his head forward. She put her lips by his ear and whispered.

“I trust you, too.” And Nick smiled and kissed Preston once more.

The next morning Joe and Demi walked into the arena holding hands and noticed Nick and Preston sitting together sharing a packet of haribos.

“Why can’t we be like that?” Joe joked as he sat down and pulled Demi onto his lap.

“Because whenever I try and feed you, you want me to throw it in the air and for you to catch it.” Demi said as he reached her hand back and played with Joe’s hair.

“There’s nothing wrong with that” Joe said as she kissed Demi’s arm.

“There is when you can never catch it!” Demi joked as she kissed Joe on the lips.

“But now I’m kinda hungry.” Joe stopped as he contemplated food.

“Yeah, me too.” Demi agreed and they both stood up and looked at the clock. They saw the time said 11am and they faced each other, and then looked back at the clock. They both shrugged as they almost telepathically agreed it was close enough to lunch time.

They walked out into the street with shades and a body guard walking 20 paces behind them. They walked into the restaurant and sat down.

“So, Preston and Nick. Who saw that coming?” Joe said as he skimmed the menu.

“I did.” Demi said back as she held her hand high to attract the attention of a waiter.

“Oh really, now?” Joe said as he too tried to get a waiter to come over.

“Preston was making comments about the way Nick plays instruments and sings and she kept saying he was cute. It was obvious.” Joe was about to reply back but a waiter noticed them and came over.

“We’ll have a water, a diet coke and two of your best—“

“Oh my god.” Joe was interrupted.

“You’re Demi Lovato and holy shit, you’re Joe Jonas.” The waiter freaked out. Joe nodded and tried to order again but was interrupted once again by the waiter freaking out.

“Yeah I didn’t really wanna eat anyway” Joe shrugged sarcastically at Demi as she laughed.

“Would you two mind singing a song? Please?” The waiter asked.

“Look.” Joe squinted his eyes at the waiter’s badge.  The badge read ‘Joe’ and Joe rolled his eyes.

“Look, Joe, We just want to sit down and have a meal, is that okay?” Joe asked slightly narked but still politely.

“It’s just, we want to raise money to keep this restaurant alive, we’re not doing so well.” The waiter frowned and Joe tutted.

“One song. We’ll do one song.” Demi interrupted.

“This is me, acoustically?” Demi suggested and Joe nodded. Joe was about to ask the waiter a question but he was interrupted once again.

“We have an acoustic guitar in the back, I’ll get it for you”–and Joe’s question was answered.

Joe and Demi looked at each other.

“What just happened?” Demi laughed and Joe returned the laughter.

“This is a nice place, I hope it doesn’t close.” Demi said and Joe thought of a way the restaurant could have more of a chance.

Joe stood up and walked over to the waiter and the manager–whom he was talking to–

“Hi, I have an idea to how this place could have more of a chance of survival” Joe smiled.

“Yes?” The manager said with intrigue. Joe told them his plan and the two workers almost jumped with joy.

“You’re all saints!” The manager shouted and Demi wondered what Joe told the restaurant waiter and manager.

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